Hera || Allison Wu || Ally



Allison Wu ~ Ally


☁ Why So Serious? 


Username: DreamAndDance
Activeness: 9
What should I call you?: Ariana



♤ What's Your Name? 


Birth Name: Allison Wu
Other Names: Wu MeiXuan (Chinese name), the WuHoo (nickname by her friends)
Birthday: October 14th, 1995
Age: 17, soon to be 18
Ethnicity: Chinese Singporean
Nationality: Chinese-American
Birthplace: San Francisco, California, USA
Hometown: San Francisco
Languages: English (fluent), Mandarin (fluent), Korean (advanced), Japanese (very basic)
Bloodtype: B



☼ Come on make me feel Alive 


Ulzzang Name: Seo Ji Hye
Backup Ulzzang Name: Park Seul Ki
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Style: Ally likes to wear clothes that make her feel comfortable yet fashionable. She matches plaid shirts and graphic tees with shorts or jeans, so she has a casual look. Her girly side shows when she wears cute sweaters and pretty looking tops, but she feels uncomfortable in skirts so she rarely wears them. She loves dresses that flow freely or have flowery patterns. For training Ally normally wears gym/basketball shorts and matches it with either a tank top or a sports bra.
Her favorite shoes are sneakers, wedges/sandals, and any type of boots. Ally tolerates heels and will obediently wear them to formal events, but sometimes she'll show up in sneakers. She also adores hats.
Casual: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4
Dressy: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 (pretend the heels are sandals/wedges)
Formal: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
Practice: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
Airport: Link 1 | Link 2 
Dorm/Sleep: Link 1 | Link 2
Extras: One piercing on each ear. Had braces before as a teenager. 



☮ Just be true to Who You Are 



♦Blue Skies♦ Ally is described as super energetic and can be positive about anything. She believes the most beautiful thing a person can have is a smile. Ally smiles and laughs all the time, but sometimes she does it to hide emotional pain or to let her haters know they can't ruin her. Ally is quite outgoing, and she's a rather loud and random character, bringing cheer to those around her. She'll do silly things if it makes people laugh. When someone she knows is upset, she won't stop until she can get that person to smile. One thing people should know about her is that she never shuts up! Ally is extremely talkative and she always has something to say in a conversation, making it easy for her to speak in interviews. 

Though she is seen as a blabblemouth, she'll keep secrets and promises shared with her. Ally is also very open. She loves to be sociable and make new friends. She does however, tend to be closer to guys than girls because she feels that boys are better to get along. Ally's the life of the party, and she isn't afraid to break into dance in public. If people stare or say bad things about her, she'll ignore them, even though it hurts. Ally is definitely a romantic kind of girl and would love it if her boyfriend did spontaneous things for her. She's a bit of a softie who cries in romance or tragedy films and loves stuffed animals. Ally would definitely be the little kid of Hera, because she's so childish and crazy.

►Thunder Storms► Ally may be no Phoenix (see what I did there) or LE, but she's pretty good at rapping. Most people are shocked to see that Ally can rap since she has such a pretty, delicate face. Ally enjoys sleeping in and she can quite nasty if you try to wake her up. If Hera doesn't have any plans for the day she has a strict do-not-wake-me-up-until-ten rule. She won't hesitate to slap or yell at you in English if woken up rudely. When angered, Ally will start cursing despite her intense dislike of people swearing. But she'll calm down quickly and return to her happy self. She can also be stubborn if she doesn't get her way and refuses to budge until you give in, something she's trying to change. She takes it hard when people criticize or ignore her, and scolds herself for being the way she is. Ally also loves to be in the center of the attention, but is willing to share the spotlight with her fellow members.

Despite these flaws, Ally has a kindhearted side and supports her friends no matter what. She may not be the best at giving advice, but she's excellent at listening and will lend her shoulder for a cry.


  • Any kind of animal! (even reptiles)
  • Children/babies

  • Chocolate

  • Pastries/desserts

  • Stuffed toys

  • Basketball

  • Beanies/snapbacks

  • Dancing

  • Traveling

  • Eating new foods


  • Waking up early
  • Bullies

  • Swearing

  • Horror movies

  • Puppets



  • Playing basketball

  • Playing the piano

  • Drawing
  • Photography


  • Playing with her earrings

  • Tapping her feet along to music

  • Replacing Korean words with English when she can't say the right Korean phrases

  • Belting out raps when bored, whether it's in Chinese, Korean, or English


- Ally can do a 180 tilt leg extension because of dance. The tilt soon became her signature move, and is featured in Hera's debut music video.

- She had her ears pierced when she was only three years old.

- On a camping trip during her high school years Ally was dared to swim in the nearby lake. She did it.

- Her all-time favorite song is Replay by SHINee. She never gets bored of playing it and it'll never wear out on her.

- Her favorite dish is spicy crab or laksa, both Singaporean delicacies.

- Ally has only been to Singapore twice, even though it's her mother's hometown.

- If she wasn't a member of Hera, Ally would become a dance teacher or a kindergarten teacher, since she loves children so much.

- She has a Yorkshire puppy named Bijou. If she could, Ally would take Bijou everywhere with her.

- Ally is known for her large appetite. She isn't picky when it comes to food and can eat four bowls of rice in one sitting. SM has her on a diet, but she still loves her desserts!

- She has her own photography website, Smile For Me. Rumor has it that she'll soon put never-before-seen pictures of SM members on the website!!

Background: Ally was born and raised in San Francisco to a semi-wealthy family. Her father, Jeremy Wu, was a Chinese who grew up in Korea, while her mother Katherine Cheng was born in Singapore to Chinese parents and later moved to California in her early teens. Katherine joined the San Francisco Ballet Company when she was twenty. Two years after, she was severely injured in her right knee, thus ending her career as a ballerina. As soon as Ally could walk, she was immediately put into ballet classes to continue Katherine's shattered dreams to be a world-famous dancer. Because of this Ally's childhood was very tough. Her mother continuously yelled at Ally's tiny mistakes and she didn't bother treating Ally whenever she got injured. Jeremy was different from his wife. He loved to take his daughter out to play and quietly give her sweets, which Katherine cut from Ally's strict diet. He even taught his only daughter basketball behind his wife's back. Unfortunately, when Ally was eleven, Jeremy was hit by a drunk driver on the way home from work. The driver survived, but Jeremy was dead on arrival at the hospital. Ally would later say, "That was the first time I ever saw my mama cry. The last time she cried was when she found out she could never do ballet." Ally has a little brother named Michael. Like Ally, Michael was also put into ballet. Throughout his elementary school life, Michael had been harassed and made fun of by the boys in his school simply because he did ballet. Then when he was eleven, they began beating him up. He tried to hide his bruises from Ally, but she eventually found out. Michael begged Ally to let him take boxing to defend himself, but Ally decided to let Michael's bullies see his dancing. After realizing what a great dancer Michael was, the bullies left Michael alone. Ally loves her brother unconditionally and vice versa. 

While growing up, Ally has three hours of ballet classes daily in the San Francisco Ballet. Teachers say she's one of the best students they have ever seen. During her early teens, Ally secretly joined the school's hip hop club, where she learned popping and locking. She came home late every night because of the club's long sessions, but Katherine didn't question her as she thought Ally stayed back at the dance studio to practice. Ally wasn't interested in singing until the 8th grade, when she had to sing for an English project. Everyone was surprised, and the choir teacher managed to convince Ally to be in the school choir.



 ✿ Why are you my Clarity? 


Family: Father | Jeremy Wu | Would be 49 | Basketball coach | Loving, playful, gentle, understanding, caring | Jeremy was the one who taught Ally how to play basketball, despite her mother's complaints. Ally and her father were almost like best buds, with cool handshakes and a movie night together. When Jeremy died, Ally was so upset she refused to eat for two days.

Mother | Katherine Cheng | 48 | Ballet teacher | Strict, harsh, cold, haughty, bossy | On a scale of 1-5 for closeness, it's a zero. Katherine never bothers to praise or compliment her daughter. Ally tries her best to continue loving her mother, but it's hard since she feels Katherine only uses Ally to relieve the dream she lost. Katherine is also furious that Ally gave up ballet to join SM.

Brother | Michael Wu | 15 | Student at the Lowell High School in San Francisco | Introvert, shy, quiet, supportive, honest | They're extremely close and Michael sees Ally as his protector. He would never dare tease his sister or bully her. Ally was a little hesitant to leave for SM because of Michael.

Best Friend(s): Son NaEun | 19 | APink | Sweet, good-natured, dull, trustworthy, kind | The two took dance classes together as trainees. Ally immediately liked NaEun because of her sweet personality while NaEun liked how Ally could rap despite her delicate appearance | NaEun is the only girl Ally fully trusts with personal issues. They share a strong, sisterly bond and they sometimes trade clothes. Ally's drawing skills have improved under NaEun. The two girls enjoy conversing in Chinese since NaEun knows how to speak it. NaEun was the first to instantly notice Ally's crush on Jonghyun and tries to push her into Jonghyun's way whenever he's nearby.

Kim Kibum "Key" | 22 | SHINee | Diva-like, dramatic, goofy, fashionable, loud | Ally was out shopping on a break from training and she found a jacket she wanted to buy for her brother. Key happened to see the same jacket and they grabbed it at the same time | Key is Ally's 'fashion consultant.' Whenever Ally needs help picking clothes for the day, she phones Key. The two enjoy going shopping together when they have free time. Key is also the only person besides NaEun who knows Ally's crush on Jonghyun. Ally often consults Key for love advice since he's the closest to Jonghyun. He likes to about it and secretly plans dates between Jonghyun and Ally.

Friends: Tao | 20 | EXO | Hard-working, lonely, sad, honest, loving | Met when Ally entered SM | Tao and Ally have a rather interesting relationship. His arm is always around her shoulders and her hand rests on his knee. This brings speculation and scandals on whether they're together. Ally doesn't have a crush on Tao; she instead views him as an older brother. One of Tao's favorite activities is annoying Ally. Because Ally isn't a fan of Justin Bieber, Tao enjoys singing "Baby" to her in Chinese, either to make her smile when she's sad or simply to irritate her. Tao calls her 'xiao wa wa,' which means little doll, and helps her with her rapping.

Kai | 19 | EXO | Hard-working, competitive, fierce, respectful, a playboy | Her mother was his ballet teacher when she went to Korea to teach | Kai is Ally's friendly rival in sports. Though Kai is older than Ally she tends to act more like the big sister. Because they used to do dance together, Ally calls him 'Big Ballerino' while Kai calls her 'Little Ballerina.' The two have a 'dancers' handshake and a poke war. When they were younger Ally once saw Kai , and occasionally she'll be embarrassed if she's with him.

Love Interest: Kim Jonghyun | 23| SHINee | At a fan signing during a trip to Singapore in 2009. She gave him a meter long banner that said his name in Korean and English, which made her a memorable fan. When she joined the SM Family, Allison was very happy to discover Jonghyun still remembered her | Crush/friends | Jonghyun is known for his cheerful, sensitive personality. He hates being called cute because he believes he's manly. Jonghyun absolutely hates losing to anyone and at times can become very competitive and arrogant. He'll flare up at people who interrupt him, yelling at them to shut up. When his progress doesn't meet his expectations, Jonghyun will become short-tempered and frustrated. Jonghyun is also very emotional, and he cares about his work so much he'll cry if he feels he doesn't work hard enough. Other than that, Jonghyun's a sweet, charismatic guy who describes himself as a romantic. He talks a lot too, just like Ally | Jonghyun and Ally are close friends who give each other high fives and sometimes hugs. What Ally likes about Jonghyun is his determination to push himself harder and his positive, happy attitude. Ally tends to be clumsy and shy around him because he has been her bias/crush since SHINee's debut. They enjoy going out to the city to experiment new restaurants. Ally is able to keep up with Jonghyun's fast eating pace, which impresses him. He takes her to horror films, and if it's to be near Jonghyun, she'll force herself to watch it. Jonghyun has a tiny crush on Ally, but he struggles to keep the feelings hidden because to him, work always comes before relationships. He'll even ignore her if the feelings become too strong.

Backup Love Interest: Kris |22 | EXO
Rival: N/A




 ◊ Shining Star, like a little diamond 


Stage Name: Ally
Persona: The Aegyo Queen (because she has a babyish face that gives off a sweet, adorable manner and is very good at aegyo) or the Charming Chatterbox (because she talks a lot, especially on interviews, and has great charm and charisma, both off and onstage)
Personal Fanclub Name: Alley Oops (because her stage name is Ally and her father was a basketball coach)
Personaly Fanclub Color: Cotton candy pink
Personal Motto: "Don't give up because of them; instead work harder to prove them wrong."
( ) Leader, Lead Vocalist
( ) Main Vocalist
(-) Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
(#) Main Dancer, Vocalist
(X) Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
( ) Main Rapper, Sub-Vocalist
( ) Lead Rapper, Vocalist

- Ballet  

- Drawing

- Piano

- Photography

- She can her elbow


- Acting

- Being y. She can be y if it's for dancing, but never for music videos or photography.

How did you get into SM?: Ally was scouted when she was fifteen during a dance competition in Los Angeles. The scout encouraged her to try the Global Audition at LA. She passed her audition quickly, but it took a while because it was very difficult to convince her mother to let her join SM.

Trainee Experience: Ally's training days weren't very eventful, but there were a few hiccups along the way. Because Ally couldn't speak Korean fluently, some of the Korean trainees looked at her like she was an alien and bullied her. It was tough for Ally to enter dance studios with groups of girls whispering and pointing openly at her. One time Ally even got a letter from her bullies pressuring her to quit. She almost did, not only because of the bullies but from the work expected of her and the extreme isolation. Luckily, Ally met a few of the Chinese SM trainees and she stuck with them until her debut.
Trainee Years: 3
Pre-Debut Activities: She modeled in some dance catalogues when she was younger back in the US. Ally was also featured in Boyfriend's "Janus" MV and recently appeared in SHINee's "Why So Serious?" MV.
Singing Twin: f(x) Sulli Link 1
Dancing Twin: Miss A Jia Link 1 (Jia's tilt should be around the middle of the video)/ Link 2 and SNSD Hyoyeon Link 1
Rapping Twin: 2NE1 Minzy Link 1




♥ I'll be coming Back For You 



Ally: Annyeonghasayo Ashley unnie! *bows 90 degrees* I would like to say that I think you're an amazing person, and that we're October babies! *squeals and claps hands* Anyway, if I do make it into Hera, I want to make friends with you. We can stretch together too ;) Thank you for reading my application!

I'm kind of nervous and a bit worried because there are so many wonderful trainees applying to be in Hera. Even if I don't make it, I'll still support your story unconditionally! I apologize if some parts of Ally's application don't make sense, message me if I need to correct anything or add a little more detail.

Scene Requests:

- Dates between each of Hera's members and their love interests ^_^

- A scene of Hera's seven members bonding as friends.

- A scene of Ally and the other members of Hera going out for fun. The shyest member of Hera stays back, and Ally does her very best to make that member go outside with her.

- Tao singing "Baby" to Ally (lol)

- A scene of a formal event where Ally shows up in sneakers and a fancy dress. Hera's manager freaks out on her but she ignores him.

Password: Try Zeus, the husband of Hera. Man, if there were a boyband countering Hera they should be called Zeus! xD

Okay, getting a little sidetracked. How about the 'Olympians,' since Hera is a Greek goddess.


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