.~* SHINHWA COMPANY | Application Form | Kim HyunAe *~.

Welcome dear applicant!

AFF name: Jaeseonggie

How active are you: 9.5

I'm Mika, what about you?: Jae


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Name: Kim HyunAe

- Chu; nickname from her sister
- Nae-noona; from her younger brothers
- HyunDae; HyunAe + Daebak; from fans eventually
- Hyun-appa; nickname from fans

Stagename: Hyun

Age: 21 [in a week] | Birthday: June 6, 1992

Blood type: O

Height: 164cm

Weight: 44kg

When it comes to first impressions, many people think HyunAe isn't right in the head. She's ditzy, a bit clumsy, and spaces out quite often. She seems to have no brain to mouth filter and says whatever she feels like saying. This is her way of weeding out people who aren't worth her time. If they can't handle her spazzing, they don't deserve her calm mannerisms.
Off camera and off stage, HyunAe is very paternal. She's awkward, but she still likes to show she cares. She's kind, calm, and calculating. She's incredibly intelligent - though her spacey-ness makes it hard to believe - and rather understanding for someone who seems to be a bit immature for her age. She's almost always smiling, and when she isn't she typically still has a happy aura about her. HyunAe can be a bit a dorky and likes to joke around, but she knows when it's time to be serious and that's where her "appa" nature comes in. She can be strict when it comes to practice or time schedules, but become completely worried if one of the members or her friends gets injured or sick. She tries her best to care for them, but typically just makes things awkward and sometimes worse.
On camera and on stage, HyunAe becomes Hyun. Hyun is a completely different person than HyunAe. On stage, she's a fiery ball of charisma and iness. She's much like her sister in that respect; both of them are completely different from their on stage self. She dances with conviction and no sign of her clumsiness can be found. She sings with her heart and a strong voice many people don't know she has; she even surprises her mentor at times with how far she can project her voice and how high she can go. She's shocking to see and hear on stage. On camera, the iness and the charisma tone down a bit and some of her dorky side shows through. Her "appa" side shows a bit as well, and she can be seen being clumsy at times when she thinks the camera isn't on her. She jokes around a lot and tends to laugh quite a bit as well.
Deep down, HyunAe is sensitive and somewhat fragile. She hides this behind her smile and her jokes and her fatherly ways, but really she's a sensitive girl with a sensitive heart. She doesn't like being yelled at, but no one would ever know the difference unless they saw her by herself. She also has relatively low self-esteem, but doesn't like to show it; she'll act with confidence as long as no one wories about her.

HyunAe was born as the older of a set of twins. She was only two minutes older than her twin sister. They've been completely and totally identical they're entire life. Their voice is exactly the same when they talk; one of the only differences is that HyunAe sings and her sister raps. They've had nearly the same dreams and aspirations while growing up and everything. The other difference is that HyunAe was always clumsy, while her sister was usually sick.
When she was five, she broke her right wrist and had to learn to write with her left hand. When she was eight, she broke her left arm and had to relearn how to write with her right hand. When she was ten, she broke her left pink and ring fingers. While training to become an idol before her sister debuted the first time - a span of about two and a half years between the ages of 12 and 15 - HyunAe broke her right ring, middle, and index fingers, her left lower leg, and the left side of her collar bone. At seventeen, she ceased breaking bones for the most part and merely twisted her knees and her ankles nearly every other day.
Her sister was always worried about her and she was always worried about her sister. They took care of each other while being away from their parents and brothers. It's one of the reasons they do everything together - so they can take care of one another at any cost. When she began spending time around her sister's groupmates at Cube, she became very close and the 4Minute members became like sisters to her as well. She spent a lot of time on the sets of videos with them because of her acting job under Cube, so she got to know them rather well. She was still the relatively unknown twin sister of Kim HyunAh, but it was fun getting to know the 4Minute girls.

- Pineapple juice
- Popcorn
- Origami
- Puzzles
- Riddles
- Jokes
- Music
- Bubble Tea
- Cake

- Hospitals
- Cats
- Peanuts
- Chocolate
- Alcohol
- Coffee
- Cookies
- Sand

- HyunAe is allergic to cat dander, peanuts, and chocolate.
- She's not very modest; she'll sometimes wander around the dorm in her sleeping short shorts and a sports bra. She's even changed in front of her mentor before; she doesn't really care, even though he left the room.
- She's extremely clumsy and has broken nearly every bone in her body by this point in her life.
- She has the same tattoo as her sister, on the same side. They got them at the same time.
- Her ears are pierced five times on each ear.
- She calls her twin sister Pika, and her sister calls her Chu because of their favorite Pokemon: Pikachu. They can both imitate Pikachu perfectly.
- She is often seen online on Twitter, Tumblr, Me2Day, Weibo, Instagram, and Cyworld chatting and associating with fans. She started doing this because she saw that they were worried about her - having heard of her clumsy past - and she wanted to reassure them that she was fine. It just became habit to talk to fans every day. She has the same username for all of them: HyunChu_Cake
- Her parents are divorced.
- HyunAe can speak five languages fluently, having learned them over time: Korean, English, Spanish, Tagalog, and Japanese.
- She's obsessed with pineapple juice; she's always drinking it.
- Her favorite food is regular buttered popcorn with cinnamon and pepper added to it. No one understands this, but it's always been her favorite.
- In HyunAh's "Bubble Pop" and "Ice Cream" and in Troublemaker's "Trouble Maker" and 4Minute's "Heart to Heart" and "What's Your Name," Cube put HyunAe in HyunAh's "acting" bits because they wanted to give her a reason to stay with the company, plus they thought that HyunAe fit more naturally into an acting-type role. The singing and dancing clips are HyunAh, but the sitting around and acting and laughing were usually HyunAe.
- She also recorded the scream for "What's Your Name." She's mostly known for her "horror movie" scream.
- The behind the scenes of Bubble Pop interview about interactions with Lee Joon was actually HyunAe, but she didn't correct anyone assuming she was HyunAh - that's how identical they are.
- Because of being around 4Minute so much, she became very close to all of them.
- She also appeared in the Trouble Maker video at some points; no one has ever figured out which parts. 
- Attended Choongnam Middle School and Korea High School of Music and Arts with her sister.
- In case Cube needed to use her to fill in during a filming for HyunAh, Cube always made sure that whenever HyunAh had a concept change, that HyunAe's style would change as well. They enjoyed her acting "abilities" and often used her to act in her sister's music videos.

Appearence: Kim HyunAh

Back-up appearence: Ann-J

Style: HyunAe is a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. She's hardly ever seen in skirt, but would much rather wear shorts or jeans. She loves heels and will often be seen wearing them. She's not a tomboy by far, but she isn't really a girly girl. She's casual and she likes it that way. She enjoys wearing accessories and is quite often seen with bracelets up her arms, a few necklaces, earrings, and a few belts hanging off of her hips. When staying in the dorm, she's typically in plush shorts and a middrift tank top or a sports bra - which is what she also sleeps in.

Father | Kim HyunJun | 53 | Hotel Manager | Strict, distant, and somewhat cold. | They don't see each other much since he left HyunAe's mother, but when they do see each other, he's short-tempered and easy to annoy. He isn't very friendly.
Mother | Lee Ji Min | 42 | Bakery Assistant | Calm, loving, and supportive. | Though they don't see each other much because of HyunAe's idol life, she gets along with her mother very well. They're friends, really.
Grandmother | Lee Hae Ri | 76 | Bakery Owner | Stubborn, loving, and goofy. | Hae Ri is where HyunAe and her sister get their silliness from. She's goofy and likes to play "magic tricks" on her grandchildren and her daughter.
Twin Sister | Kim HyunAh | 21 [in a week] | Idol (4Minute) | Goofy, bubbly, and silly. | HyunAh is HyunAe's best friend. They've never been apart and they don't plan to start any time soon. They've done nearly everything together in their life and support each other no matter what.
Younger Brother | Kim HyunHo | 17 | Student | Stubborn and a bit distant. | They don't spend much time together, but when they do, HyunAe is the typical older sister and picks on him and plays around with him. However, HyunHo will have nothing to do with it.
Youngest Brother | Kim HyunSuk | 13 | Student | Childish, playful, silly. | Whenever HyunAe sees Hyunsuk, they get along very well. 

Best friends: 
Son Dongwoon | 21 [in a week] | Idol (B2ST) | Goofy, silly, endearing, brotherly. | They act very much like siblings would. They met through HyunAh when HyunAe became a trainee at Cube. They all three bonded over the fact that their birthday is the same day. They're very close and pick on each other playfully whenever they see each other. They text everyday. He's one of the few people beside HyunAh that know of HyunAe's insecurities and low self-esteem.
Nam Jihyun | 23 | Idol (4Minute) | Sweet, silly, and gentle. | They act like sisters and goof around, unless they're filming. Actually, they goof around then too.
Jeon Jiyoon | 22 | Idol (4Minute) | Outspoken, semi-goofy, happy. | They're like sisters, and pick on each other quite a bit.
Kwon Sohyun | 18 | Idol (4Minute) | Goofy, bouncy, bubbly. | Again, like sisters, and they like to play tricks and such on HyunAh and Jiyoon.

Lee Joon | 25 | Idol (MBLAQ) | Goofy, childish, yet charming. | Though they don't get together often, Joon makes HyunAe smile and giggle. She has a small crush on him, but nothing she would ever pursue. They're very platonic, but do have quite a few skinship-type moments. They get along mostly because they're both intelligent, but many people see them as "pabos" because they speka before they think.
Heo Gayoon | 23 | Idol (4Minute) | Mature, caring, silly. | Like sisters, but Gayoon is really like a mother away from home to HyunAe.
Mariianna Gomez | 20 | Waitress/University Student | Down to earth, calm, sweet, and generous. | They're very studious when they're together. They go to school together with HyunAh at Konkuk University; all three of them are studying in the same field: Art Culture. They became close friends at school, and HyunAe learned Tagalog, Spanish, and English from her since Mariianna was raised in the Phillipines to a Spanish-American father and Filipino mother.



Love interest:

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Name: Jang Hyunseung

Age: 23

Group: B2ST

How you two met: They met when HyunAe had just become a trainee at Cube and Hyunseung thought she was HyunAh. It was interesting to say the least, but they became close rather quickly.

How you act around each other: Hyunseung is super protective of HyunAe. They've been dating for nearly two years, so it's no surprise. He cares for her deeply and loves to play little pranks on her. He's awkward, but he tries to be romantic - it usually turns into him being goofy and HyunAe finding him adorably endearing. He wants to propose, but wants to wait for the perfect moment. He's one of the few that can tell HyunAe and HyunAh apart with only a sideglance. He loves HyunAe and HyunAe loves him. They can often be seen curled up with each other on a couch at Cube when HyunAe has an off day and is allowed to visit her sister and friends. They play little games with each other and take care of each as significant others should. They have serious talks with one another as well - about HyunAe's sensitivities and Hyunseung's own deeper problems, about how they both never thought they would reach their dreams, and what if they weren't given that second chance. They support each other and lift each other up in dark times.


Back-up Love Interest

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Name: Lee Joon

Age: 25

Group: MBLAQ

How you two met: On the set of the Bubble Pop video.

How you act around each other: They're goofy and playful and alltogether adorable and dorky. They're known as the Pabo Couple, or JoonAe, to fans. They are always smiling around one another and holding hands or he has his arm around her protectively.

Rival: ---

Age: --- 

Group: ---

Why are you rivals?: ---



My mentor

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Name: Lee Minwoo

Age: 33

How he found you:
HyunAe had been at JYP with her sister; they got accepted at the same time in mid-2004, at the age of 12. HyunAe trained with her sister until HyunAh was put into Wonder Girls in 2007. When her sister began having her stomach problems and fainting spells, the company tried to use HyunAe as HyunAh during the worst of it as the girls' parents were pulling HyunAh out of the group. HyunAe couldn't rap at all, so it failed miserably and she was almost dropped from JYP. In 2008, when HyunAh went to Cube and began training for another group, HyunAe was brought over to Cube as well, where she stayed until mid-2012 when she was dancing by herself and Minwoo found her. She could move her body in ways many people didn't expect. He seemed impressed and something about HyunAe sparked his interest. He had never spoken to the girl, but talked to Seung-Sung, the CEO of Cube, and had her removed from Cube and sent to him to train personally.
He eventually told her that he chose her because of a certain spark that she had, a charm that he hadn't seen in anyone else.

Trainee years:
HyunAe trained at JYP for three years and five months and at Cube for three years. When she was found by Minwoo, she was giving up hope and had actually started slacking when he saw her dancing the day he decided to take her under his wing. He encouraged her and helped build her back up. He let her go to her limit, but no further. He took care of her, but made sure she worked hard.

Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer

Your relationship with him: The relationship between HyunAe and Minwoo is very father/daughter-like. He cares for her, because he sees what lies beneath her smile. He is one of the few people HyunAe has broken down in front of and talked to about her insecurities, her thoughts that keep her from going for her dreams as fully as she can. He takes care of her; they go out to eat together after practice sessions and he shows that he believes in her. He truly supports her through everything and does everything he can to help and protect her. He doesn't really approve of the way she talks to fans so freely most of the time, but doesn't try to hold her back from talking to new people.


You're almost done!

Fanclub-name suggestions?: KQP "Quip" [Kings & Queens of Promise]

Fanclub colour suggestions?: Royal Purple [#990066]

Debut single suggestions?: Hmmm... Vista by Fiestar; Whoz that girl by EXID

Other?: Nope~! Hwaiting Mika-ah~! ^__^

- While practicing a dance break or something one day, like a b-girl/b-boy move, she goes up wrong on her arm and breaks her left wrist. She stills does promotions and such, but can't really do her dance. When/if asked about it in an interview, she laughs because it was the only major bone she hadn't broken.
- A scene between HyunAh and HyunAe, perhaps on a variety show. Perhaps talking about how HyunAe was a fill in during filming more than a few times. This causes fans to try and pinpoint the exact moments in videos that they can tell it's two different people; this causes HyunAe to talk to fans more online than she already did.
- Hyunseung proposing at a B2ST concert and bringing HyunAe up on stage.
- A variety show appearance where the girls are discussing special talents, and HyunAe showcases her "horror movie" scream.

Password?: Shinhwa Bangsong


AAAAAND you're done :D Good luck


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