HYDE finally out to haunt their Jekyll

Yups, 260513 SBS performance was DAEBAK!! They wearing black and white attire.. The black HYDE team is LEO, RAVI & BEAN, while the white JEKYLL is N, KEN & HYUK.. Omg Omg, the group as i expect!! Too much love toward KEO, NAVI & HYUKBIN.. Dahahaha.. Vixx is another group that ship their own boys like B.A.P n BTOB.. xD not on laptop.. So yeah its irritated me to poat like this.. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?sns=fb&v=_cgoQkonSQY&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_cgoQkonSQY%26sns%3Dfb


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Ilovekpopforever #1
omg i love it~