So, today I went to a Creative Writing workshop...

and it was pretty interesting.


We weren't more than 10, 8 students from my school and 2 people from the outside. It was supposed to be only 1h30 long, but in the blink of an eye, 2h had passed, and we stayed there for another half an hour - and we were going to stay longer, if it weren't for some of the students leaving because it was getting late for them.


I learnt a lot of things, starting with being able to write something in a previously told time limitation (10 minutes to write an exactly 64-words story, about anything. it's pretty complicated!) Writing that 64-word story, we were told to re-write it but with no "and" or "or" - cool. And then we were told to re-write it over again, this time with none of those words I stated before plus with no "that". Then we had to read all our stories, and some turned out really different.

Then we had a different exercise. Since it was a sunny saturday and a somewhat open-day at school (I go to an artistic school that is connected to a very important artistic cooperative, so there were a lot of people there), we were told to write, from our perspective, about a random person that was there, in that place. It was funny! After writing it, (the limit was 100 words, but this time it wasn't really relevant,) we were told to write that same story, but inverting its way: so, you would start this story with the ending you used in that previous one. And every result was awesome! The stories were really a lot more interesting! 


So it was a nice afternoon, pity we couldn't stay longer. The "teacher" was always saying that this workshop should be turned into a course, because all of us really had talent for writing (pretty sure he only said that because it was a nice thing to say), and I think, too. He gave us his e-mail to send him a new, completely different story but with that same beginning we used in the last exercise. Totally sending him.

It was a nice afternoon, even though I had some things planned at 6PM and at that time we were still writing... It was worth it :)


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ooh, i want to try it too. but.... 64 words? 100 words? isn't that too short? i don't think i can do it though. :(
Ah that sounds cool ^^ There's a writing shop at the library in my area...maybe I'll check out sometime. Good luck on the story by the way.