.... '_______'

seriously?! how could you do this?! 


I don't . . . I can't . . 

i dunno if i should get mad or . . . laugh at it. 


I have mixed-feelings rn.

I love EXO . . . b-but . . . 

V-vixx ;___; 

I don't want to live anymore! ; _ ; 

If choose one of them . . . 

Well, . . . Vixx surpassed Exo . . b-but...

so yeah . . idk ; A ; 

But people, please don't make something like this again 'cause i don't wanna cry. ; _ ; 

Well, Vixx are demons right now. not vampires. lol. 

Demons with wings. lol. cuuuttteee = u = 

/umma feels/ 


VIXX ME UP! XDDD /doesthesamemovementtohavewings/

.... no wings... ; - ; lol. 

I should sleep. -___- 


N-yeong~ /bows/ 




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