❅Behind the screen - Chung Yunji as The Stunt Double


Chung Yunji & The Stunt Double.

  f ull name : Chung Yunji

 nicknames : Yun

Her American name is Chung Lily

 age + birthdate : Age: 19 Birthdate: 12/24/94

 ethnicity :  Half Korean and Half American

 l anguages :Korean- Fluent  English- Fluent  Japanese-Conversational


faceclaim: Song Ah Ri

links/gallery: Gallery

backup faceclaim: Park MinJu

gallery/links: Gallery

description: YunJi prefers soft, colroful, and feminine style clothes, if its cute, she finds it as a 'must have. When it comes to accessories, Yun can always be seen wearing some sort of bracelets, earrings, even a ring. But the one thing she's never without is her mothers engagement that she keeps on a chain and wears as a necklace. Yun also has a tattoo on her lower back (But no one else knows about it)


character traits: Reserved, Gentle, Caring, adorable, Buff, decieving.

expansion:  Yun is painfully shy, she usually won't look you in the eyes when she firsts meets you and has a hard time talking about herself to strangers. If anything, Yun prefers to listen strangers talk when shes socializing (If you can call it that).But the moment you earn her approval, Yun can be the most warm-hearted person you have ever met and will do anything to gaurantee you can rely on her as a friend. But as sweet as she may look and tend to act towards those she likes, cross her once, you get a warning, cross her a second time, You'll be on you back with your arm broken in five different places. Just because she lookes innocent doesn't mean Yun is afraid to lay you the moment you piss her off. People who have crossed paths with Yun either say one or two things about her. It's either "What a sweetheart! An absolute doll!" or "That girl is crazy! , broke my arm because I insulted her mother once!" Yun has had plenty of experience where she'd needed to knock a few people down to size, but more often thatn not, Yun is afraid that her phsyical strength will scare people off, so she keeps to herself for the most part and uses her best aegyo to give the impression of weak and innocent so that people won't be frightened by her raw strength.  Yun cherishes love and friendship above all else, that's why she has such little tolernece for jerks, a**holes, and rude people, quite frankly, she thinks the world would be so much better off without them and thinks that the fastest way to do that is to put them in their place, and fast. Yun may be decietful, but as long as your nice to her, she'll be nice back to you. 

background: Yan comes from a multicultural background, her mother being korean and her father being American, She'd often have to grow in two different places, with her mother being a retired Korean actress and her father being a busy American Business man, it was hard for Yun to adjust to new surroundings so quickly, Because both her parents were often busy and had to deal with a variety of people, Yunji was quick to realize that not all people were as kind and gentle as the tv and magazines made them out to be. Both her mother and father were worked down to the bone, but that never stopped her parents from teaching Yunji an important lesson. "There's beauty in everything,, but not everyone can see it." They were trying to relay the message that just because someone looks bad and acts bad doesn't mean that they are incapable of being good. So Yunji took it upon herself that if people couldn't show theyre true beauty, she would do it for them by knocking them in line. When YunJi was 13, her mother died from Cancer, Yunji's father went into a sort of depression, where he reamin very cold and distant and even non-existant in Yunji's life. So she spent a good number of years taking care of her careless father and even tended to her mothers grave when her family was MIA, she also practically raised her little brother since her father was no where to be found when he needed a man in his life. Hence why Yunji has become the person she has today.

career history: Because Yunji's mother was a retired Korean actress, Yunji had enjoyed the idea of being in the film industry. But because her mother retired early, her mothers name had been long frgotten and Yunji had to start fresh, and thus, began her training as a rookie stunt double. Training was brutal for her, people were always demanding and snapping at her. If Yunji wanted to take part in this industry, she couldn't go breaking everone's arms, and she tried to focus on the good points in everyone's character (Tough as that may be). Eventually she made it past her training and has become the offcial stunt double and understudy for the big sister.

lifestyle: YunJi's current life is more than hectic, between, her job as a stunt double, caring for her little brother, tending to her mom's ever so high stack of unpaid hsopital bills, and having to keep suicide watch on her father, and her schooling, Yunji hardly has enough time to herself to get a good nights sleep, if anything, she'll be lucky to get 4 hours of sleep. She has a new action movie thriller she'll start recording any day now, so not only will she be needed more on set, she'll have much less time for her family, and much more time with her jerk wad of a director.



Chung MiRae-(Would be) 42-Mother- Dead- Optimistic, hard-wroking, cheerful, careing, well-tempered- Yunji and and MiRae were closer than close

Chung Ashton-47-Father-Alive-Quiet, loyal, distant, cold, loner- YunJi and her father are practically strangers.

Chung Mingook (Min)- 10- Little brother- lively, head-strong, tempermental, caring, hyperactive- Min sees Yunji as a hero for raising him practically by herself.


Choi Jinri (Sulli)-20-alive- bubbly, quiet, harworking, stubborn, and open minded- Sulli is YunJi's best friend, theres nothing these two couldn't tell you about each other.

Kwon JiYoung (G-Dragon)-22- Alive- Artistic, party-goed, creative, honest, sweet-talking- JiYoung is Yunji's go-to guy when ever she needs a night out (Not that she would actually say that, G-Dragon just automatically assumes that when she has a bad day, she needs to go out)  or she needs guy advice. Basically, her best-guy friend. 


love interest/plotline: Lee Taemin/ The Director

personality: If its not perfect, Taemin will do everything in his power to make sure its flawless, Time is money in his eyes, and you don't execute it perfectly, you're watsing time, hence you're wasting his money. He's put so much effort and time into the film company, and he's not about to let one small mistake be his down fall. In order to achieve his ultimate goal of perfection, Taemin must be frank, which is putting it mildly, Taemin is probably the most brutally honest person you will ever meet, which makes him pretty snobbish, for he tends to think that those who don't envision or stride to perfect are beneath him. When he views a person as below his level, he'll treat them as though they hardly exist  or as if they were children learning to talk for the first time, which gives him the appearance of being stuck-up.  Taemin is a visionary, he's sees a finished project before he even casts the main lead, and he can make something magical out of nothing. Taemin has the reputation that can make or break your future with a smile or a smirk. Taemin is not someone you should mess with, he could simply ruin you if he so much as saw you as a threat. 

how they treat each other: YunJi hates Taemin with a burning passion. She see's him as careless, rude, a know-it-all, and the insults keep on growing and getting worse. She can't exactly put Taemin his place considering she does work for him and he was her only source of income for her needy family. Taemin views Yunji as a blonde monkey, stupid beyond compare and utterly hopeless, he has the constant need to talk down to her and make sure she knows that she is beneath him in every way. He critisizes her to the extreme and even if she executes a scene perfectly, Taemin will find just one thing wrong with it and he will make her redo it until he's satisfied, which is hardly ever.


comments/questions: I hope you like her!

scene requests: Can you do a scene where Taemin treats the entire cast to drinks at the club, he insults YunJi's mother, and YunJi finally flips Taemin over and gives him a good beating?  That would be funny!

password: Boys over flowers, Playful Kiss, or City Hunter! (3 of my all-time favorite dramas!)













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