❅behind the screen - Kim Yujin as The big sister


Kim Yujin & The big sister.

  f ull name :  Kim Yujin

 nicknames : Yuyu, Jini or Jiji

 age + birthdate : 21 years, 18.9.1991

 ethnicity : Korean

 l anguages : Korean and English fluent, basic Japanese

                       she was in America for a few years to study, this is why she is fluent in English


faceclaim: Do Hwe Ji

links/gallery: tumblr, photobucket

backup faceclaim: Lee Dasom

gallery/links: tumblr, photobucket

description: Yujin loves to wear decent jet stylish and y clothes. But what is y for her? Well, she likes thigh things. Therefore she doesn't care if it's a skirt a dress or just jeans and a plain shirt. As long as it fits her body. Yuyu is the kind of person that can wear nearly everything, since she has the perfect body for it. But most of the time she prefers simple things and combining them with cool and pretty accessoires. Shoes are a must for her. Not caring if they have a heel or not, as long as they match with her chosen outfit. Yuyu is informed about current trends and does like them, but she prefers her own.


character traits: cold-hearted, stubborn, nosy, a little bit clumsy, calm, quiet, naive, wary and protective

expansion: Jini is cold and quiet from the outside and doesn't allow people to go near her. She is mostly rude to the people she doesn't like and doesn't care if they talk bad about her. She is not concerned with what people think of her, the only thing that counts is that her friends (she doesn't have much) think of her as a good person. Therefore she really tries hard to open up to them. She is calm and lovable near her loved ones. Listening to them and laughing at their jokes. She personally wishes for more friends since she envies the girls with lot of friends. She can be cheerful and playful near her besties. She is the kind of person that judges you after the first glance. But she knows that this is one of her biggest problems since you can't judge someone just in one second.

Jini sometimes loves to be alone, when this happens she gets really angry at anyone who would intrude into her 'loneliness'. But there are also the times when she needs someone to talk and to cuddle. Yes, even Jini, the cold-hearted girl can cry and is vulnerable, she just hates to show it since she has no good experience with it. She only dated one guy, and this guy broke her heart. Since then she is afraid to love again.

background: Yujin has quite a normal past. She has her parents who love each other and her older brother who protects and love her. At first her parents were against her going to model and becoming an actress in the process. But her bother convinced them and soon they were more than proud to have a celebrity as daughter.

But with that Yuyus problems started. Yes, she was happy her dream became true but it was really tiring to keep her smile even if she was tired. Then she fell in love with an actor she had to play a couple in a drama. They dated and Yujin was believing to fly, until she fell hard.

She realised he just wanted to be with her to become more famous, he also dated Yujins best friend behind her back. Talked bad about her and even told lies and spread rumours. Yujin broke up with him, still loving him but couldn't take the pain he caused anymore. She was a wrack back them. Feeling betrayed and used. She had a hard time to trust again, but she made process and opened up to a few people. Since then she doesn't give her trust easily and judges people from their appearance.

career history:  Yuyu is a veteran actress. At first she was just a fashion model for teenage clothes, but she matured and one day, the photographer invited a friend of him - who was a director and about to film a new drama. He saw Yuyu posing and fell in love with her cold attitude towards the camera. She then got scouted by him and got a minor role in his drama. This is when her acting career started.

But she also  received offers to play cheerful characters, since then she felt she loved to act. She could try out different personalities without being afraid to loose her real self and the wall she built up around her.

lifestyle: Yuyu is currently scouted in the upcoming drama 'Story of the snowflake'. She received the offer and was fast into her role, she also liked the fact that one of her close friends would play the main role, one reason more to attend the filming.

Yuyu is also still modelling for various brands, but decided to reject movie and drama offers till she ended her current one.


family: [Kim Jumi - 45 - mother -  alive  - happy go lucky type of mum, caring, loving, clumsy, stubborn - 8,5 out of 10 ]

[Kim Banghee - 48 - father - alive - strict, caring, loving, funny, nosy - 8,5 out of 10 ]

[Kim Yuhan - 23 - brother - alive - strict, funny, protective, open minded, greedy (his sister is important to him) - 9 out of 10 ]

friends: [Cho Sobin - 22 - alive - clumsy, hyper, girly, wary towards unknown persons, protective - 9 out of 10/childhood friend]

 [Han Sunghee - 22 - dead (for her) - She is the girl who was once best friends withYuyu and Sobin, but she pinched Yuyus Boyfriend - once 9 out of 10 now enemys /was also her childhood friend]


love interest/plotline: Hwang Chansung the Captor

personality: Hwang Chansung  got another offer to show his acting skills and he took the opportunity, thinking the character matched his personality and appearance.

He seems cold and arrogant to most of the people around him. Maybe because of his built and most of the time his cold gaze. But in reality he is soft, loving and caring. He is just afraid to show his true self, how vulnerable he really is. Thinking people would judge him for how he really is. He decided it was best to be feared and respected then to be made fun of. But he can't help to fall in love with Yujin. At first he was just a fan of her, watching her dramas, but since he met her in real life for the shooting, it hit him hard. He fell, even if he didn't wanted to. Wanting to show her his real self and also wanting to break te wall she built. He has the feeling she isn't the person she tries to be.

how they treat each other: As said, he is a fan of her and tried to act cool, calm and cold around her. People told them that they would fit each other thanks to their similar personality. But what do they know? They have no idea that Chansung falls for her. He tries to be cool around her but sometimes is miserably at it.

Yuyu at first  didn't liked him, but since she has to act with him, and her character has a 'crush' on his, she has to be near him. Yuyu can't deny that he is good looking and that she likes how he goes, smiles and act. Allowing him to get closer to her, but at the same time afraid that he would find out how she really is.




comments/questions: Woa~ I have to say that the idea is daebak...*-* Really, but I bet it is a lot of work ^^

I hope you like my character and of course I hope you'll choose her. But since it's your story it is your decision x3

I wish you all the best for this fanfic ^-^

scene requests: I wouldn't mind skinship scenes or something similar ^^

password: Dream High


Puhh...ehm, I also like 7th grade civil servant (yes...because of Chansung xD), But I also like You're beautiful with Jonghwa, Gu Family Book, Lee Soon Shin is the best and Flower boy next door ^^ Also a lot more but I can't think of them right now Ö_Ö





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