ABC Question


ABC Questions:

A-AVAILABLE: As of now, yeah... sadly because SUJU hasn't met me yet XD

B-BIRTHDAY: December 04

C-CRUSHING ON: Lee jun ki O_O

D-DRINK YOU LAST HAD: water .. plain water

E-EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: sister kekekeke~

I-INLOVE WITH:  Leeteuk~


K-KILLED SOMEONE: someone? in case of humans... no, but I'm a serial killer of Mosquitoes

L-LONGEST CAR RIDE:12 hours -.o

M-MILK SHAKE FLAVOR: fruit latte~


0-ONE WISH: to meet suju~

P-PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: Annalou? I'm more into conversing personally rather than on phones

R-REASON TO SMILE: smiling doesn''t need a reason >.<

S-SONG YOU LAST HEARD: sorry sorry answer by suju

T-TIME YOU WOKE UP: at 9 am.. too tired last night.

U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: bluuuuee~


V - VEGETABLES: squash, string beans, turnips, potatoes hehee


W - WORST HABIT: biting my nails -.-


X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: chest x ray...


Y - YOYOS ARE: like the ups and downs of life... if you're thrown down, don;t worry, you'll be up in a bit later


Z - ZODIAC SIGN: sagittarius


Random Questions About You: 


Spell your name without vowels: crst


Your favorite number: 2 or 4


What color/s do you wear most? whiteand black


Least favorite color? red


What are you listening to? currently not listening to any... just the sound of engines revving


Are you happy with your life right now? sure~ I'm with my family :)


What is your favorite class in school? english~


Who is your best friend? depends in which group I'm in... I don't really have a best friend... just close friends


Are you outgoing? I'm ntroverted, but I act crazy with my close friends


Favorite pair of shoes? flats


Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? no


Can you whistle? yeah~ wanna see it wiiiiittweeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~


Write with both hands?rightie!


Cross your eyes? yeah


Walk with your toes curled?  yeah




Do you believe there is life on other planets? possibly.. yeah


Do you believe in miracles? of course~


Do you believe in magic? of course~


Do you believe in Satan? yeah... no matter how scary it is...


Do you like roller coasters? Sure XD


Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? just don't make me eat insects, worms, rat, frog, dog, cat, snake... I hate it




Have you ever asked someone out? yeah lol


Have you ever been asked out by someone? yeap XD


Have you ever been to the ocean? no


Have you ever painted your nails?lot's of times




What is the temperature outside? normal? but it's quite humind... so I guess it's going to rain soon


What radio station do you listen? hot fm lol


What was the last restaurant you ate at? jerry's grill lol


What was the last thing you bought? load lol


What was the last thing on TV you watched? TV? can't remember lol




Who was the last person you IM'd? my cousin


Who was the last person you took a picture of?  my mom


Who was the last person you said "I love you too"? A close friend of mine back in HS


Ever really cried your heart out?  yeah... lots of times


Ever cried yourself to sleep? yeah... I never noticed that I fell asleep


Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?no... but I'll be the shoulder to cry on


Ever cried over the opposite ? Why? I did... because of falling in love XD


Do you cry when you get an injury? no...


Do certain songs make you cry? yes




Are you a happy person? possibly


What is your current hair color? dark brown




What shirt are you wearing? gray shirt and sweat pants


Shoes? slippers~


Necklaces? none


Underwear? lol yea




Eye color: dark brown


Short or long hair: long hair


Height: 155 cm you crunch the numbers lol




Been to jail: nopI hope not...


Thought about suicide: um yes?


Thrown up in a store: no


Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: yea lol...


Seen a dead body: yes


Been on drugs: : no




Pepsi or Coke: pepsi


McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's


Couple or Group Dates: Group


Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate


Strawberries or Blueberries: blueberries~


Meat or Veggies: both?


TV or Movie: movie


Guitar or Drums: drums


Adidas or Nike: adidas


Chinese or Mexica: chinese


Cheerios or Corn Flakes: koko crunch AHAHAHA

stolen from: dubuturtle



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