1. Real Name:  katrinka gayle tesoro galindez. what my name get over it
2. Nicknames:  kat
3. Zodiac Sign: virgo
4. Male or Female:  im a female man u know it
5. Elementary School : jru aaand pdpes
6. High School : raa and lcup
7. College: uhmmm not in college yet... i guess ill be studying in canada hehehe yeaaaaaah
8. Hair color: it's jet black like - TAO-black... no racism intended... if... thats what u think :P
9. Tall or short: normal
10. IM or email: [email protected]... i have a LOT of emails
11. Sweats or Jeans: sweats bc they are comfy muamua
13. Health Freak: nope nuh uh
14. Orange or Apple: apple is for the smartasses lol
15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: no, he knows i like him OuO
16. Eat or Drink: eaaat
17. Piercings: none
18. Pepsi or coke: uhmmm pepsi lololol
19. Been in an Airplane: yeppiedue
20. Been in a relationship:  lol no im a er at thsoe stuffs
21. Been in a car accident: noo .___.
22. Been in a fist fight: not rly lol
23. First piercing: ears ;___;
24. Current best friend(s): uhmmmm... none? lol
25. First award: idk forgot
26. First Crush: sammuel OuO he looks like kai but i didnt know who kai was when i had a crush on him OuO
27. Firstword: lol idk
28. Last person you talked to in person: my sistah hu iz ssleepin rn
29. Last person you texted: idk hu cares anyways
30. Last person you watched a movie with: i cant say 'a' person... i was with 3 people.
31. Last movie you watched: iron man 3 i think and it was damn awesome
32. Last song you listened to: love blossom - k.will
33. Last thing you bought: ohhhh... chewing gum!!
34. Last person you hugged: im not a big fan of skinship... but i think it was my tiyo
36. Favorite Drink: ANYTHING CHOCOLATE
37. Bottoms: uhmmm boxer shorts i guess lol
38. Flower: i like roses... 
39. Animal: dog!!
41. Favorite Movie: iron man 3 lol
42. Favorite subject: uhmmm... idont like subjects lmao
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)
43. [] Gotten Baptized.
44. [x] Celebrated Halloween.
45. [x] Had your heart broken. twice. by the same ing person. ugh u srsly denver
46. [x] Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
47. [x] Had someone question your ual orientation.
48. [] Got pregnant. 
49. [] Had an abortion.
50. [x] Did something you regret. yeah like not going to the backstage to follow exo. -_-
51. [x] Broke a promise.
52. [x] Hid a secret.
53. [x] Pretended to be happy.
54. [] Met someone who changed your life.
55. [x] Pretended to be sick.
56. [] Left the country. 
57. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
58. [x] Cried over the silliest thing.
59. [] Ran a mile.
60. [] Went to the beach with your best friend.
61. [x] Got into an argument with your friends. yeah but my friends are crazy stupid sometimes and wud get mad at me for getting mad at them. like are they ing stupid. do i not have emotions.
62. [x] Hated someone.
63. [x] Stayed single for a whole year. lmao
64. Eating: none but i want donuts and pizza
65. Drinking: none but i want a cold choco drink atm
66. Listening to: none
67. Sitting/Laying: LAAAAYYYing
68. Plans for today: it's 10:34 pm
69. Waiting for: exo to come to my country so i can stalk them. i want to jump into sehun's arms right now
70. Want kids: yeah, about 3...
71. Want to get married: yes... to sehunnie
72. Career:  uhmmm i would want to be an idol (lol) but thats because i want to see sehun and exo often, meh. so i think i want to be a writer or a photographer. smth like that.
WHICH ONE in a significant other:
73. Lips or Eyes: eyes
74. Shorter or taller: taller!!!
75. Romantic or spontaneous: i like spontaneous men more
76. Hook-up or relationship: relationship pls.
77. Looks or personality: personality gets the heart.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: nope
79. Snuck out of the house: i think so
80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: not... yet 
81. Killed somebody: ew no.
82. Broken someone's heart: yeah.... poor guy (s). lol
83. Cried when someone died: of course
84. Yourself: actually yes :P
85. Miracles: humm yeahhh
86. Love at first sight: lol it's ATTRACTION at first sight. it's just your curiousity that makes you feel that way.
87. Heaven: yes
88. Santa Claus: not anymore
89. on the first date?: happens.
90. Kiss on the first date: yes!
91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: YES I WANT TO BE WITH SEHUN (AND THE EXO MEMBERS IF THAT'S OKAY)
92. Do you know who your real friends are: yeah uhm no.
93. Do you believe in God: yesss
94. Post as 100 truths?: yes?
95- quote a famous person: lol
96- say something funny: HAHAHHA YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY SOMETHING FUNNY. yeah uhm u see... i cant
97- laugh at yourself: hahahaha. ha. ha.
98- last message: i love only God, my family, exo, sehun, myself, and my friends (?).
99- a picture of you:  i already posted two selcas... 


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