What's wrong with having OC's?

So I saw this on that AFF Confessions blog on Tumblr, and I was just like, "Dafuq?"

I think that was probably the most idiotic thing I've read yet. This is fanfiction, key-word: Fiction. I think people who use OC's are obviously well aware that they're not real, or else they wouldn't be Original Characters. Sometimes people use OC's because they don't like pairing idols with one another, and what's wrong with that? It's one thing if you're not into it and don't read fics involving OC's but its another to insult authors who use them because really it's a lot harder to create a believable character from the top of your head then using an idol. Oh, and dumbness of the authors? o.O


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That was really just... DUMB DUMB STUPID IDIOTIC! Sorry. I use OCs in every fic I write because I don't really like pairing someone real (idol) with another real person (other idol) because it's just... idk to me. OF COURSE WE KNOW THEY AREN'T REAL! And yes, creating characters for someone that already exists is hard, so making your own characters is easier.
That was one of the most ridiculously illogical and stupid confessions I've yet to see on AFF Confessions. By that person's skewed logic, all idol fan fiction is stupid because you're writing real people into relationships and situations that don't exist and didn't happen and won't ever happen in settings that don't exist. The closet your OTP is having in doesn't actually exist. Neither does that coffee shop they met up at. They're actually just suspended in space.

And so on. It's just...ridiculous. Pay it no heed.
My answer/excuse: "The names have been changed to protect the innocent."
XD oh dear I'm listening to too much detective stories on radio...
I read this as well and I seriously face palmed so much at this statement. I don't know if this was just a troll or a seriously dumb comment to make =.=
wtf.I prefer OC or you other than pairing idols...wth is her/his prob