ANNYEOOOOOOOOONG <3 *can't really type in hangul here on le pc. I still can't memorize where that certain character is on le keyboard. puahaha.

I just posted(two days ago, i guess?) my FIRST FANFIC EVAAAH. (just click on le poster)

Well, I wrote a couple of EXO oneshots, but I still have to proofread it. Not that my grammar's THAT good, but I just don't want it to end up so bad before I post it. Puahahahaha.

This fanfic is somewhat an exception, I kind of like how I planned the plot out. It's not really that cliche, 'cause it's literally based on my(and my friends') experiences in High School.:>

Except, in real life, my love story didn't end up so good. PUAHAHA.

Don't worry, this fic isn't ANGST-ish nor it's focused on DRAMA. It's actually just focused on fluff and comedy 'cause my life with my guy friends is mostly just laughing our asses off until we fart and dieeeee. kiddin about the die part though. lol

So, I decided to use INFINITE as my main characters, 'cause it suits their characters perfectly(for me), and also I just got into them and they're soooo ugh <3

My perception of them isn't really as tainted as how I look at EXO now. Every single day, I lurk aroumd this certain  EXO Spazzing Zone kind of group I have been into for like 10 months already, and every single thing they post about just bursts my ovaries into my confetties of FEEL-MY-BURNING-LOVE for them. <3

*I'm a shy type of person, but if you get to know me, I'm like the craziest person you've evaaaa met.*

Ohhh wells, mind if you take a teensy-weensy-bit of your time to read my fanfic? QuQ <3

I'll do my best to update every week, except if there are some problems that might occur on that certain week, like our dog peed on my laptop. But seriously, if I don't update, then I'll do a double update as soon as possible. Also, I promise that I'll read your comments, suggestions, or violent reactions and I'll learn from it so that I can improve.

Btdubs, I made my own poster, 'cause I don't really know any poster making people here, and I am REAAALEEEEH SHY and I at starting conversations. ;A;

Saranghaaaaaaaaaaamnidaaaaaa <3


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