Good-bye, AFF.

Hello every one. I've seen how much I'm addicted to AFF, and now I have to take a real hiatus. I will update and finish my new one-shot, Searching About Love then I won't online until June. I know I'll miss you, but I gotta do this. I have to get really good grades this time for my mum. I updated Give Me Back My Body! for you guys. Enjoy the update and my one-shot. Moreover, don't miss me a lot^^


with love,



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aww, good luck =(
Ah wae T^T Do you have exams too? Anyway hwaiting ! Goodluck babeh <33
Aww that's sad D; I'm going to miss ya ;;
Gonna miss you, buddy >.< *hug you*
yeah ..!! FIGHTING ~~
Hwaiting ~~
GoodLuck Sunbae
(^0^) .. We will miss U .,
bye.. i will miss you!