❥ Perfect Match || Bang Yunji ツ



                        Perfect Match


Bang Yunji


About You

username: Primrose0930
activeness: 9
* what should we call you?: Jess
Into The New World
name: Bang YunJi
* nicknames: Yun
age: 18
birthdate:  09/30
height & weight: 160 cm and 47 kg
birthplace: Boston, MA, USA
hometown: Inchon Korea
enthnicity: Korean
languages(s): Korean- Fluent  English-Fluent French- conversational
Dream Girl
ulzzang: Song Ah Ri
pictures: 1  2   3   4  5
backup ulzzang: Park MinJu
pictures: 1  2  3
style: Yun prefers colorful clothing that usually show a sweet and feminine side of herself.
1  2   3   4  5
* extra: This Piercing on her right ear  along with her first two holes pierce. This tattoo between her shoulder blades
Special Girl
» Yun is painfully shy, to the point where she'll actually hide behind a friend if she doesn't want to meet someone. When you first meet her, she'll only speak if spoken too. No one really knows why Yun is so shy, she just is. But Yunji is always smiling, stranger or not, she likes to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. But don't mistake Yun's quiet self for someone who is Naive. Take her kindness for granted, and she'll send you running for the hills. Now, although Yun is well-tempered, once you make her snap, there's no going back. She's also more stubbron than a mule or a statue. It's almost nearly impossible to make Yun change her mind once its been made up. She's also known for her brutal honesty, its pretty funny to hear such harsh and brutally blunt words coming from such a soft spoken person. Yun only means best, but she doesn't always speak her true intentions, which leads to a lot of misunderstandings, i. e. someone falls down the stairs and hurts themselves, they ask Yun for help, but instead of going to help them immediatly, she'll run outside for help, leaving the person alone for only a minute, thinking they've been ignored. Yun is also rather independant, she prefers doing most things on her own, whether it be cooking or shopping and usually hates asking for help.
» Cherry Blossoms
» The color purple
» Penguins
» Roamnce/comedy/ action movies
» Sweet foods
» spicy foods
» trains (She doesn't trust them, she finds them unstable)
» peas and carrots
» blood
» Horror movies
» scrunching her nose when she dislikes anything (People or things)
» cracking her joints whenever shes stressed or bored
» Cuddles the closest thing (or person) in her sleep
»She has a bad habit of biting her nails when shes nervous
» she paints her nails everyweek so she wont try and bite her nails
» She is great with kids
» she has a ring from her best friend that she never takes off
»She a MAJOR foodie, she'll eat almost anything you put in front of her
» Her dislike of trains is more of a fear, she doesn't trust them and she's scared someone will push her onto the tracks
»when she speaks english, she has a slight Boston accent
I Am
» Born and raised in Boston, a city with a language she could barely speak, is what compelled our character hear into near silence. Students in her class or cashiers at supermarket would often pick on her for having horrible english. So Yun locked herself away in her house to study english until she was sure she could speak properly. Bt even when she perfected the language, the memory of being picked on was burned in the back of her skul, so she rarely spoke unless spoken to, in english or korean. It was't until she was 14 did her parents move their family to Inchon due to her father's work. It was there did Yunji meet her best friend, who taught her to open atleast a little more to people and smile.
»Mother: Bang Eunji/ 43/ English teacher/ Yun has a pretty durable relationship with her mother because it was her mother who taught English to her daughter and persuaded her to make new friends in Korea.
»Father: Bang DongHae/ 47/ Brain Surgeon/ Yun never really has time to build a realtionship with her father due to his busy schedule or his lack of will to talk to her.
»Sibling(s): Bang MinHee/ 12/ student/ Yun is MinHee's role model despite her lack of communication. Minhee admires Yun for her determination to work hard at a goal.
best friend: 
» Ryu Hana/ 18/ student and part time coffee barista/  Hana and Yun have a relationship no one understands, they will insult eachother, goof off, fight, and even act like a married couple all with an hour. They have that amazingly weird relationship that they adore.
»  Choi Jinri (Sulli)/20/ member of f(x)/ Sulli and Yun have a very general relationship, they  call eachother pet names, joke around, and hang out every now and again, nothing as extreme as Hana.
» Kim AeSoo/ 19/ AeSoo and Yun act more like a mother and daughter would, with Yun being the defensless child and AeSoo being the overprotective mother.
Fantastic Baby!
favorite idol group:  Girls- SNSD Because of how hard they work to achieve perfection with their dances and singing in such a large group. 
Boy-SHINee- they work so well as a team together and their dances are incredible
ideal type:  Someone who isn't an easy guy, someone who will present something of a challenge in a realtionship. Being nice is ok, but you want a little bit of adventure and difference in your realtionship.
I Love You~
love Interest:  Lee Taemin
group:  SHINee
age:  International: 19 Korean: 20
how you know him:  Yun met Taemin when he was on an episode a variety show and Yun was wandering around backstage.
back up love interest:  Choi Minho SHINee
To You
comments:I hope you like her!
scene requests:  Can you do a cheesy scene where Taemin draggs Yun onto a subway and has to hold her hand or hug to help her calm down an get over her fear? Or a scene where Taemin is pushing Yun around in a gracery store in a carriage?
password:  Le password~



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