It's finally here! (INFINITE Man In Love Hangout Signed Poster)

You can skip down for the poster if you're too lazy to read.WHICH 99% OF YOU ARE! AND I'M ONE OF U XD!

I actually lost hope thinking that my poster got lost or that i sent the wrong address since it took so long to arrive.(Or that's how i felt it xD)

BUT YESTERDAAAAAAY...(it's past midnight so it's 2 days ago to be exact lol :p)i got it at school.How weird is that?The thing is,i live inside the school.Not exactly inside but the school's accommodation so i sent the address on the school.

I went early in the morning to class and the moment i put my bag,this teacher/ helper for our supervisor asked for me.I was like 0.0 *I SWEAR I JUST CAME I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I'M INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.*Everyone gave me this 'oooooo~ you are in trouble' look.I followed her out and on the way i was like "Ummm is there something wrong?"

"No it's just that you got this weird long ciruclar thing."And she started drawing the shape with her hand.

  lol don't ask why i coloured that part out :p thx

At first i was like o_O what... Then i remembered that one of the winners told me she got the poster in some circualr tube so i was like 0.0 OMG MA POSTER! so i asked her again "Is it like a mail or something?"

"I don't know.just come."

I was like okay...

I followed her all the way to the supervisor's staffroom then i was like "err can u get it out for me?you see...i'm not wearing the school's uniform and she'll beat the crap outta me"

she was like "Okay wait here" and she went inside to get it for me.
(Yes our skl cares about the uniform more than education -_-" Well..the uniform is supposed to be Blue pants/skirt and white shirt with the school logo on it.I was wearing grey jeans and a random white shirt and a jacket that isn't allowed...and oh white/pink/blue shoes LMAOOO perfect for a lecture :D But i really love that helper/teacher she doesn't care and she is really sweet with us <3 even when she spots us using our mobiles she is like..../acts as if she saw nothing and walks away/)BK TO THE TOPIC.

So when she hand me that thing (wtever u call it) i quickly looked at the tag/sticker it said 'republic of korea' i screamed like crazy in my head.I thanked her and left (wait did i tell her thank u? 0.0 CRAP! HOPEFULLY I DIDNT FORGET :/)

When i entered the class i was like "GUESS WHAT I GOOOOOOT!"

My kpopper friends started jumping all over the place and attacked me "OMG UR POSTER!?" "OPEN IT OPEN IT OPEN IT!" the non kpoppers were like "...okay?" /back to normal chat/.

It took us 10-15 minutes to open that shiz.Was wrapped in tape like there was no 2moro AND STRONG TAPE TOO! but finally we were able to open it xD.The moment i unrolled the poster me and my kpopper friends were like *_* this is beautiful :') /dying whale noises/

The non kpoppers came and took a look at it and they were like "what or who is that?"

I was like "remember the live chat i was running all over the school for and the one i told you guys about?"

"duh! we thought u lost ur mind" "Who wouldn't know.You and your friends went around telling every living and non living object in this school"

"THESE R LE AWESOME CREATURES I TALKED TO!THEY SIGNED ME A POSTER KYAAAAAAAAAA" then i started touching ever part of the poster LMAOOOO (DON'T BLAME ME! the HDness of the poster...the signature and the marker...PERFECTION!)

"Which one said i Love you aya?"

/Le me points at L/


and yary yada yada.We ended up spazzing over L.My Woonique friend (dongwoo biased) was like "pft i'm glad no one picked Dongwoo.Less challenge and more chances for me" and we all cracked up xD

It was an AWESOME day.esp that half of the class was absent (le class drama queens) and the friendly ones were there.The whole class was talking together that day xD we were mainly talking about me and L LMAOOO AYMYUNG COUPLE.

Okay sorry i'll go die....



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asdfghjkl. give me dat. ; ; /sobs.
ur lucky Unnie!!
Lucky lol perfect day ruined by unopenable tube thingy!:D
omgggggggg i'm so happy for u girlie!!~ ;;A;; /dies from too much spazzing
U R SOOOOOOOO F****EN LUCKY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ENVY U !!!!!!!!
i know why u covered it out :D
le want ;___; xD hehe