Hate and Love


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I should be writing Oppa… I’ll do it later xD


Anyways, let's talk about this word that everyone likes to throw around: hate. And while we're at it, let's talk about hate's archenemy, love.

Hate. I've seen so many people through around this word like it's no big deal. Heck, I do it all the time... but for inanimate objects... like warm milk and big tomatoes xD but what kind of bugs me is when people say "I hate so and so." It just makes me wonder what that person did to make you actually hate them, you know? I get if it you hate someone for making your life miserable. 

 I can honestly say I don't hate anyone. I harbor a lot of dislike for a certain someone- no it's not Himchan. Yes he scares me, but deep down, I still have a soft spot for him, just like I do for Jaejoong- but never something like "If you were dying of thirst and I had extra water, I'd drink it in front of you/ pour it down the drain/etc. I just can't do that to someone... Personally, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to actually hate someone. Am I just too nice? People tell me that a lot, but really, am I that nice of a person? 


Okay, let's move on to love.

Oh my Gawd... I know here in the US, we're always like "I LOVE YOU~" to all our friends, acquaintances, even random people who do nice things for us. Every parting ends with “I LOVE YOU______!” and an “I LOVE YOU TOO!” Now, it’s like love doesn’t have a meaning anymore and now “like” is the new “love.” If you’re confessing to someone, you don’t say “I love you,” because he/she will think of it in the friendship way; you have to say “I like you.”

Weird, right?

What do you guys think about this? Talk to me! Because I’m going to miss y’all while I’m gone… *sighs*

Still trying to think up what's going to happen in this chapter of Oppa... OTL 


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So true! And deep, esp. with the love! Having to say "like" nowadays... so pitiful what this world has come to...
I don't really 'hate' anyone either, well it depends what that person did but still I just...can't really see myself hating someone ^^; I strongly dislike some people but actually hating them? No I don't really 'hate' them at all.
I don't hate anyone either and, like you, I really don't think I'm ever going to. I actually don't really dislike anyone either.
I'm so glad you made this post because recently I can tell my friends have been annoyed about how I don't find a problem with anyone.
As for the 'I love you' thing, I'm not too bothered with that - except when people use it excessively. I think the phrase 'I love you' is meant for best friends and family, but if anyone ever tells me 'I'm in love with you' I'll assume straight away that they want a relationship with me, because being in love with someone means, to me, that you love absolutely everything about them.
I dunno, all the hate in this world is really, really starting to bother me :(
My boyfrined and I have been together for a while now...and we throw this words round a lot. Like, I'll play punch him and he'll go "Owwwww, I hate you~" But...not in the actual sense, in a way, it kinda means I love you to us XD (The same situation occurs if he scores higher than me on a test, I say, "I hate you, you swot." xD) But, love is something that we don't really throw around as much. We sort of...say it when we've had a dire situation and seriously need to remind each other that we do love each other. This actually happened last night, where he hit me lightly on the arm, I didn't even properly register it, but he did it because I was sitting there insulting myself and it annoyed him, asnd he basically started crying saying I'd break up with him, he was a terrible boyfriend, etc. etc. But, I had to hug him and tell him "I love you, why would I break up with you for something as small as that?" and it calmed him down once I said "I love you." So...I dunno what I was trying to say here.
Ummmm...*train of thought* I guess what I'm trying to say is, that from personal experience, Hate doesn't mean Hate, it just sort of means whatever the person means it to mean. And love depends on the context with me, and it DOES mean love, of great magnitude...
Wow...sorry xD Just telling you stories to explain a point.
I think that we as humans do not want to hate, but to love. We hate people for making our lives miserable as a means to say there could have been so much more between us.

"You don't love me, fine! Hate me all you want! I don't care!"
If I can't love you, then my feelings for you can only develop into resentment for our love unable to come together.

I watch too many soap operas...
Annniee #6
Lol, I have a lot of people that I hate and would not care if they died... i'm kinda mean so...
and to me, "like" is adore, and "love" is just you simply don't want them to die...
Solovely #7
I have hated someone so much that i wouldn't care if they died (it was that serious) but now i have moved on because i no longer see that person.
But "I like you" can never replace "i love you". Love has always been something you have a personal attachment with even if it is temporary
hikio-chan #8
Hate section : There is someone I hate. Unless I'm talking about her to someone I know will never meet her, I would never say I hate her. I would say "I don't like her" or "I don't want to see her", but never say to those who knows her "I hate her, I hate her so much, I wish she could disappear from my memory". I think real hate is silent. Hate people talk openly about isn't real hate. Real hate would go as far as "If she was dead in front of me, I wouldn't feel a thing". Hating on someone has nothing to do with being not being nice. It all depends on what this person has done to you.

Love section : when I say to a friend that I love them, I mean it. Loving our friends is as deep as loving someone as a lover (and see how I don't say 'someone of the opposing gender' voluntary). In french, we don't have that problem, and you probably already know that."Je t'aime" means "I like you" and "I love you".
I also think saying "I like you" means more because it seems more shy, so harder to say.
i agree with you with the hate part, I mean i hate waking up early and i hate running because i always fall when i do so, but i have to disagree on the love part. saying i love you to your friend is a away to show them how much they meant to you. I love saying people that i love them, because they deserve to now that they are loved.
TOPKpopfan #10
I agree with you, I can't really hate someone I just wouldn't have any emotion for them, I would help them if they were in trouble but if they weren't I wouldn't pay any attention to them, also, I don't like it when people throw around the word "love" , like it isnt used for what it really is, but I guess I'm just old fashioned XD when people say "I love you" to me I get a little creeped out hahahaha! So I know what you mean.
Well, I can say I hate Osama and Hitler. But as far as normal people go, some of them I just EXTEMELY dislike. Like if they were dying or being attacked of course I would help them but I wouldn't give them money or you know, be a friendly neighbor or something.
i keep spelling Because wrong, i keep switching the a and u, i don't know why.
Do you dislike Jaejoong, i love him. like seriously love him, not love as in throw out there just becuase of the way it sounds. So do you dislike him, i think i'm going to cry if you say you do.