G. Constalation Application

AFF Username: Supfunkayhelen

AFF profile link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/18239 

                                                 CHARACTER INFO.

Name: Chae Hae Rin

Nickname(s): HElen, Melon, Hae,

Stage Name ( What will your character be called on camera ): Helen

Birthplace: Melbourne Australia

Ethinicity ( At least 1 asian root ): Full chinese


Age ( Youngest 15, oldest 19. You can fake your age but don't have to be 15 ): 15

Birthdate ( DD/MM/YY ): 15/05/1996

Weight (kg):49kg

Height (cm): 167cm


Appearance ( Ulzzangs only. No idol/models. Kim Shin Yeong is taken. 5+ Links):









Ulzzang name: Do hwae Ji

Back-up Ulzzang:




Back-up Ulzzang name: Choi SEo Hee

Personality [ Short, realistic and creative ! 1 paragraph ]:Helen is a very very shy girl and doesn't like to talk much at all to strangers but smile sweetly at them. She has a sweet smile that makes people immediately closer to her but because she's so quiet and cold with her replies, it makes her quite distant to many. To really close people and friends that she can trust she will go a bit crazy and loud when she's in an extremely happy mood. Most of the times she wouldn't talk much and just sit at the corner playing games or facebooking/tweeting on her phone. She would be often described as an emotionless person well backstage her face is always neutral and has no expression while on stage it always has a sweet smile. So literally noone knows what she's feeling or thinking.She is a really straightforward girl, whatever comes up to her mind, she will say it. Sometimes she will realise that she went too over and would apologize, but most of the times she would not even realise it and many times her members/friends would have to apologize for her.  She's a really messy and forgetful girl and would often be running around the house trying to find things, but she wouldn't yell. It's like a mute girl running around trying to find something while the bystanders would have no idea what she is doing. She's so quiet sometimes that when someone goes into them room that she's in they wouldn't even realise she's there as she's just too quiet. She always surprises people as she would be very quiet and if you keep talking to her and she doesn't reply and if you keep talking she would sometimes explode and tell you to shut up which makes people get really surprise. On variety shows she would also do some really random stuff and that's one of the fears of her company, and which is also why she's called the Unexpected One. She's extremely competitive, and when she is in that mode that she wants to beat someone, an intense and strong stare/gaze would come out of her eyes and be pointed at the things she's doing and her opponents. It's quite surprising sometimes and when she gets teased with that, she sometimes will get embarrased on shows, but in real life she just denies it completely.She was quiet, emotionless and cold all her life until she met that person that slowly started to change her.she's also a really determined and hardworking girl who doesn't like to show it, she acts like she doesn't care but behind everyone else's backs she would do the thing to the best of her ability and would accept all the others advice. She loves eating and hates excercising and because of that she gets fat really easily, so the members and friends would force her to exercise and she would always whine because of that but she knows that she has to in order to be healthy and keep her popularity


Persona [ Be creative too ! ]: The unexpected one. OR the cold melon LOL or you can mix any of those together

Family History [ Name, age, occupation, relationship status, how they treat you etc. 1 paragraph. Only 1 Idol. Sunny is taken  Choose from the list ]:

mom - 49 - Song Jenny

SHe's a food service hospital worker who has a very very sweet and charming voice, but she was a an extremely shy person who didnt want to become famous. And her voice was passed onto helen who was shy and cold but wanted to become famous and perform on stage so she encouraged her to go on and try.

Dad - 54 - Chae David

A really strict guy who is a factory worker. He really wants helen to become a lawyer or doctor not some cheap singer or idol especially in another foreign country, Korea. He absolutely opposed of Helen going to korea to become an idol. But in the end he gave up and encouraged her when he saw how famous she got and how great her talent was. 


Positions [Pick from the list your top 3. Main Vocalist/Lead rapper is taken]:  Lead Vocalist / Main DAncer,  Main Rapper / Lead Dancer, Face of the group, sub vocalist.

Likes ( The more the better .6+):

  • strawberry flavoured things
  • amusement parks
  • the smell after rain
  • plain chocolate
  • photoshoots
  • emotional songs
  • popping and locking type of dances
  • short shorts
  • tanks
  • flats/runners
  • cardigans
  • jean vests
  • kites

Dislikes ( Same as above ):

  • bugs/insects
  • fights between friends that last a long time
  • horror movies
  • people interrupting her
  • people who are really boastful and so full of themselves
  • plain milk
  • mushrooms
  • tomatoes

Habits ( The more the better. 3+ ):

  • shaking legs when impatient
  • fiddling with fingers when nervous
  • puffing up her cheeks when pissed
  • blushing bright red when embarassed
  • smiling more than usual when extremely happy


Hobbies ( 5+ ):

  • playing piano
  • singing
  • dancing
  • composing
  • tweeting / facebooking
  • photography
  • cooking

Trivia ( The more the better. 5+ ):

  • wears contacts
  • never broken a bone
  • loves photography taught by grandfather
  • loves cooking and creating new types of dishes most turns out to be either sweet/chilly OR sweet/sour that's her taste
  • somehow has never ever baked before
  • when she was small wanted to be a teacher
  • is a total phone / technology addict

Other Talents ( 3+ ): her flexibility (she was born with it) her acing piano skills and acting skills

Years of training ( at least 3-5 years ): 3 years and 6 months

Training History: has trained before in JYP but she liked SM better and kept auditioning there when she finally got in and transfered to SM instead of JYP. She has filmed 2 CFs before and was once a back singer/dancer for BOa. SHe has also played a few minor roles in dramas before.


Casual ( 6+ Links )












Formal ( 6+ Links )








Dorm/Training ( 4+ Links )






                                     Relationship Interest:

Crush [ From list. Taemin is taken ]: Minwoo

Back-up crush [ Top 3 from list ]: Donghyun, Minho Kyuhyun

Their personality: A really caring, cheerful and open person who loves cheering other people up. Loves to see others smile / laugh because of them. Always tries their best to be accepted and liked by others and the whole kpop industry. Hides their feelings really well too.

How do they met?( N/A if they haven't met ): N/A

How did you want to end it? ( Highlight ):

Just friends     Break up      Ended up together  

Friend(s) [ Maximum 5. From the list ]: Sooyoung, Taeyang, Kyuhyun, Jiyeon, Krystal

How did they become friends:

Sooyoung: I was eating once after training and she recognized me as one of SM's trainees so we went to eat together and then it turned out to be a competition of who can eat the fastest and who can eat more. After that we exchanged numbers and she always invited me out to eat, and like that we became friends.

Taeyang: I met him backstage when I was a back up dancer for BOa, i was a big fan of his during that time and asked him for an autograph, he said he saw me dancing and I was really good and i blushed red, he later met me after debut and recognised me, soon we started texting and tweeting each other.

Kyuhyun: He was known as the evil one and I was the absolute cold creature in SM, when he heard there was a person colder than Jessica he wanted to come and check me out, so he went searching for me and started a really awkward convo. We only said like a few sentences before he asked for my number and twitter and we just communicated on there. We were great online friends. Soon he also discovered i loved playing games and he would often challenge me in the waiting rooms backstage.

Soyeon: I met her during an audition, she was really kind and helpful that it kind of melted my cold heart the moment i met her. She always encouraged me on whenever i had an event coming up and soon we became great phone encouragement buddies to each other. She was also a very helpful unnie to me.

Krystal: we both spoke english and she was also really interested in me the person apparently even colder than her. She searched for me and started talking in English immediately with me, we both felt a familiar feeling like the other is someone we once knew and we met again, after we would always daydream together or sit together, most of our times spent together are quite silent but we liked it.


Best Friend(s): [ Maximum 3. From the list ]: Nana, Jia, Minwoo

How did they become best friends:

Nana - we bumped into each other accidentally when we were calling for taxis, we were both going to the same place so we went by the same taxi, we didn't talk to each other at all as we were both not the talkative type. Then we found out that we were going to the same party and began talking during the party, soon afterwards we started to keep in contact and then we became really close and we became online and phone best friends when she debuted.

Jia - we are both chinese and during training in JYP i met her and talked toher in chinese every time we met each other, she is like an older sister to me as she knows i am still young and i'm here in korea without my parents, she looks after me well and is always visiting me even after she debuted. SHe keeps contact with me even though i moved to SM. She keeps phoning, texting, tweeting me and we sometimes also meet up and one of the training rooms or cafes.

Kwangmin - met him at an audition that i was auditioning for, he was the same age as me and we really just clicked like that as we shared the same interests had smiliar experiences and he actually kind of opened me up a bit and totally got the talk into me, he also took me to the amusement park straight after the audition which made my mood boost up and soon after we always meet up talk, sing, dance together and have fun. He's one of the close friends that i reveal my true self to.

Rival(s) hara

How did they become rivals: she was a really good dancer and constantly boasts about herself which pisses off helen alot.


Singing [ 1+ Link(s) of the same singer. Jessica is taken ]:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6x9bfxzkW8 

Dancing [ 1+ Link(s) of the same dancer. Min is taken  ]:http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hyoyeon+solo+dance&aq=f 

Rapping [ 1+ Link(s) of the same rapper. Tiffany is taken ]:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VYkhtACFJw 

Any jobs? [MC, Actress, DJ, Model , CF Model etc.]: Model, CF model, Actress

Individual Fan Club Name [Be creative ! ]: Melon, OR Melting Melon :P OR ColdMelon oR UniqueMelon idk lol i'm not good with this stuff.

Individual Fan colour [ Sky blue and white is taken ]: light green and yellow

Individual Fans name [ Be creative too ! ] Watermelon

Fanservice ( Optional. If yes, Give me an example ): sing and play piano

Suggestion for debut album: Girl's DAy Hug Me Once, After School Blue's Wonder Boy

Anything Else? nope, this is still open right? hope you consider this character thanks! hwaiting!



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