Chocolate dreams Application

:)AFF Account Info:

Account Name: Supfunkayhelen

Profile Link: 

If I chose you,can you comment when new chapter appears?yep! of course

:)Character Info:

Full Name: Chae Hae Rin

Nicknames:Helen, Melon, Hae

Age:18-23. 23

Date of birth: 15/05

Blood Type: o

Ethnicity: FUll chinese

Place of birth: Melbourne Australia

What languages can she speak Chinese, English KOrean

Appearance:3+ HQ


Ulzzang name: Do Hwae Ji


Helen is a very very shy girl and doesn't like to talk much at all to strangers but smile sweetly at them. She has a sweet smile that makes people immediately closer to her but because she's so quiet and cold with her replies, it makes her quite distant to many. To really close people and friends that she can trust she will go a bit crazy and loud when she's in an extremely happy mood. Most of the times she wouldn't talk much and just sit at the corner playing games or facebooking/tweeting on her phone. She's a technology addict, anything related to technology like games and phones, she would have them. The latest things that come out she would be the first one to get it. She would be often described as an emotionless person well backstage her face is always neutral and has no expression while on stage it always has a sweet smile. So literally noone knows what she's feeling or thinking.

Neitzens at first thought she's a shy and kind warm girl, but they were totally wrong. She is a really straightforward girl, whatever comes up to her mind, she will say it. Sometimes she will realise that she went too over and would apologize but most of the times she would not even realise it and many times her members/friends would have to apologize for her. And because of that the company told her to shut on shows, but still sometimes she will randomly start saying stuff that's really unexpected that's why she's called "The Queen's Unexpected One."

She's a really messy and forgetful girl and would often be running around the house trying to find things, but she wouldn't yell. It's like a mute girl running around trying to find something while the bystanders would have no idea what she is doing. She's so quiet sometimes that when someone goes into them room that she's in they wouldn't even realise she's there as she's just too quiet. But of course with her friends, members help and training she was a bit more open and talked a bit on variety shows, but in real life she was just a really quiet person that often give one / two words answers.


She loves playing piano and expresses her feelings that way, that's the only way members can kind of know what she is thinking about or feeling.

Helen loves eating a lot and definitely eats heaps, but she also wants her body to stay fit so she goes to the gym frequently and often invites her guy friends to go for a run or a tournament with her to exercise.

She's extremely competitive, and when she is in that mode that she wants to beat someone, an intense and strong stare/gaze would come out of her eyes and be pointed at the things she's doing and her opponents. It's quite surprising sometimes and when she gets teased with that, she sometimes will get embarrased on shows, but in real life she just denies it completely.

She was quiet, emotionless and cold all her life until she met that person that slowly started to change her.

she's also a really determined and hardworking girl who doesn't like to show it, she acts like she doesn't care but behind everyone else's backs she would do the thing to the best of her ability and would accept all the others advice 

if you think this is a mary sue please tell me and i will reapply umm can i?

:)Family&Past Info:


Helen was born in Melbourne Australia. SHe went to kindergarden in china in order to learn chinese. SHe went back to Melbourne in primary school since she's going to live there anyways. She started learning piano at the age of 6 and aced it at the age of 15. She was quite famous around her city and performed quite often. She was known for her absolutely amazing piano skills. But piano wasn't her dream, she wanted to become a singer/dancer, a famous person. Soon, she saw kpop singers and groups, and she decided that her dream was to become an idol, to be in a girl group and show the korean industry that such a talented girl like her existed. She practiced hard in school every lunch time in the studio. SHe self learnt dancing and kept watching videos to make herself improve, she participated in many dancing acitvities in school and also joined the choir. The teacher acknowledged her sweet, delicate and charming voice and decided to teach her whenever she was free. Helen then decided she wanted to go to korea but of course her dad refused and instead of considering he scolded her and said that she would never be able to become an idol, it's too little of a chance. but helen is a girl that when she has made up her mind, noone can change it. She started self learning Korean and her cousin's friend who was korean helped her willingly and encouraged her as the friend also acknowledged Helen's beautiful talents and wanted her to enter the kpop industry. HElen finally learned korean up to the point where simple everyday conversation was able to be made. She told her mum that she really wanted to go, so her mum took her there secretly and put helen into the arms of one of her relatives, her dad didn't know anything about this. Helen was scared that her dad would be mad at her but her mum assured her that she will deal with her dad. So helen started to train even harder in korea attending Seoul Arts school which she got a scholarship into. Soon she auditioned for Royalties ENtertainment which she got in and from then on she shut herself away from the community and went down through her own hard training as she really wanted to debut and show the world out there that there was a talented girl called Chae Hae Ryung (Helen). 


Family members:

mom - 49 - Song Jenny

SHe's a food service hospital worker who has a very very sweet and charming voice, but she was a an extremely shy girl who didnt want to become famous. And her voice was passed onto helen who was shy but wanted to become famous and perform on stage so she encouraged her to go on and try.

Dad - 54 - Chae David

A really strict guy who is a factory worker. He really wants helen to become a lawyer or doctor not some cheap singer or idol especially in another foreign country, Korea. He absolutely opposed of Helen going to korea to become an idol. But in the end he gave up and encouraged her when he saw how famous she got and how great her talent was. 


:)Preferences,Hobbies and Style Info:


  • strawberry flavoured things
  • plain chocolate
  • photoshoots
  • amusement parks
  • short shorts
  • flats
  • chicken and noodels


  • bugs
  • people interrupting her
  • fights between friends that last a long time
  • plain milk
  • mushrooms
  • tomatoes


  • playing piano
  • singing
  • dancing
  • composing
  • reading
  • tweeting / facebooking
  • photography


  • bugs / insects
  • horror movies that has anything with blood in it it will haunt her for months


  • shaking legs when impatient
  • fiddling with fingers when nervous
  • blushing bright red when embarrased

Style:In summer stylish tanks sometimes with a jean vest and shorts with flats/heels

in winter wind coat with a shirt inside jeans and boots OR long cardigan with a long stylish shirt with a beanie and tights and boots

 c:)Stage Info:

Stage name:Helen

Persona: the unexpected one OR the cold unexpected melon LOL any really

Personal fanclub name: ChocolateMelon OR just melon if you want

Personal fanclub color: Green

Singing voice: Jessica's voice is that alright? 

Dancing: hyoyeon 


Her own solo song: the one in the video "Because Tears Are Flowing"

Position: Main Vocalist / Lead Dancer

Do you want to be the leader? Yea i don't mind

Do you want to be the maknae? i would but the character is quite old i don't think a 21 year old would be the maknae lol


Best friend: Nana

Best friend from SNSD:1.Jessica  2.Tiffay   3. SEohyun

Friends: Kyuhyun, Wooyoung, IU

Love interest: Yesung

His personality:  a really humorous and caring person who loves to cheer others up. he loves to see others laughing because of him. He loves skinship and tries it mostly with s but also with me and some other girls (before we got together) He really wants to grab attention and is a quite embarassing guy which i couldn't really quite accept at first as i hate being embarassed

How does he act towards you? He knows how cold i am and his goal is to make me open my heart and become a warm person again, he always tries his hardest to make me laugh but most of the time would end up with me getting really annoyed at him, but he never gives up as his challenge is to make me laugh more and become nicer.

Did you two met before?If yes,then how? yes before when i first went to audition when i was 15 for SM, i was sitting on the bench when he came up to me smiled at me and handed me an icecream and said that i looked lonely and told a joke and laughing at it himself, he saw me with no reaction but just nodded smiled, said his name is Yesung before walking away.

Are you two already dating? nope

What kind of relaionship do you want to have with him? Love, Romantic with fierce fights and heaps of jealousy and on the verge of break up at a point

:)Random: we both love photography and cooking and amusement parks, so you can maybe set some scenes including these?


Trivia:Anything else about your character. 

wears contacts

loves photography taught by grandfather


loves cooking and creating new delicious dishes which are most of the time sweet/chilly OR sweet/sour because that's my taste, and somehow i have never ever baked before.


has never broken a bone


OK finally finished this app, hope you liked it!! HOpe you choose me! Hwaiting!!


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