Just Another Random Blog

Well I recently just started watching this anime series called 'Hell Girl' after browsing around for some new animes to watch. I've gotten kind of bored with Naruto lately, it's a good series don't get me wrong and I'm still a fan of it but I just like to branch out and try something new for a change I guess...anywho back on topic here XD


For those that aren't familiar with this series it's about a girl named Ai Enma whom is also known as the 'Hell Girl'. There's a website called Hell Correspondence where it only activates around midnight and you can send your tormentor's to hell but there's a catch: If you send your tormentor to hell, when you die your soul also belongs in hell...yeah it's a pretty dark series let's say but I think it's pretty interesting :)

The episodes are kind of repeative however. You know, someone is being bullied or harassed, Ai shows up and takes the tormentor's soul to hell but over all if you haven't seen this anime I really recommend it especially if you're a fan of creepy shows ^^ I guess it's not real scary well to me it isn't but I think it's not bad at all.

I've taken a long break from animes and mangas but now I'm slowly starting to get back into them again. Even got inspired to write my own Hell Girl fanfic a little bit, starting to form ideas for one anyway.

So how is everyone by the way? :3 It's raining over in my area again -__- Geesh it was so sunny and clear for a few days and now it's back to rain but it's only for three days though so I guess it's not so bad, at least it didn't rain as much as it did last week over here O_O Okay enough of me rambling XD Think I'm gonna end this blog post soon so 'till next blog ^^



Gif does not belong to me by the way, credit goes to it's rightful owner.





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EYY.. I think I've heard of that..
i feel like this and death note have a (somewhat) similar idea behind them XD and the weather here is bipolar ._.
I watched one part of that show.... Scared the crap out of me O_o
pomiloli #4
I didn't watch the anime but I read the manga ^^
Maybe i'll try watching it :D
TaquitosNOMNOM #5
The weather was like that but now it's in the 90's and it doesn't seem like it's going to cool down. =(
Heh sounds like a good idea...maybe I'll check out that anime...
Yeah the weather is extremely bipolar. Last week it was in the 90s (fahrenheit) and now it's back to the sixties >.<