Does anyone know good stories...?

Yeah, I'm nasty, but come on. Who doesn't like a bit of in there daily reading? Wondering if you guys can recemend some? Like when it's you and them and stuff happeneds... But please no school setting stuff. I never bother reading a story based in a school since the outcome is pretty ovious... Unless you think it's really good! Thanks! Mostly for the groups...

  • Infinite
  • Block B
  • B.A.P
  • EXO
  • SUJU
  • Teen Top
  • BTOB
  • Nu'EST


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I know a lot but if you want one with some story line as well I love Let me be your perfect boyfriend, and the 2 sequels(it's eunhae and I love pretty much anything from willhaebemine the author)
oh and 'our way of life', another suju one :D
have you read 'to crave affection'? it's dripping with
Don't even get me started. They're pretty much all baekyeol, but they're all exo...