Have you guys heard about AsianFanFics Confessions?

If you haven't, it's a blog on Tumblr where people submit their "confessions" about AFF. If you want to check it out, here's the link. But before you do, I want to warn you that there are some very mean things on there and some of the confessions on there just baffle me. 

Here's an example:

In all honesty, I want to know understand how access to certain photo-editing programs is at all correlated to how well someone writes. Just saying. Will someone, esp the person who wrote this confession, explain this to me?


That was my response to the confession. 


And it gets worse. Things like this show up:

In all her time on AFF, G——-s has never made any real friends, just cult followers. All she really does is thank people from her throne. I don’t see how anyone can think she’s actually humble. Her actions say otherwise.


and I actually saw a few about people I know... and I was like "O_O I wish that he/she would stop that, but I wouldn't call her stories / does it really concern you that he does that? It's his life...."


But there are some confessions that I actually can relate with, like this one:


I've unfriended people for this reason.



So... what do you guys think about this blog? Personally, I really like reading it because I get insight on how others feel. Yeah , yeah, I understand the issue that usually only really passionate/driven people go write these confessions, but it's still interesting. 

Let's open it up and talk~ 


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Oh I have heard of this. The poster thingy made me sad, since I used to do it...
but some of the confessions are really good and i agree with them.. like this one: "These 12 year old writers on AFF, should be riding their bikes, not writing mature stories filled with curses that they can’t use properly and ual scenes they should not even know of."
yea the poster thingy pissed me off as well.. i read it while my sister was reading that blog on tumblr and i was like wtf!?
How is a poster related to how you write a story? O.O I think no poster is not a problem.....
Whoa...uh to the first confession: Some people can't make a poster or don't know how so of course they'd request from a graphic shop not everyone can make amazing posters on here -__- Some of these confessions are really rude honestly, especially the constant remarks about Godess and DBSKgirl.

I'm not a fan of either of them as I've never really looked at their stories, but why don't people just stop complaining about these two authors and just write what they like writing about?

Sorry if this made no sense, kinda tired tonight ^^; People are free to say whatever they want but they should at least think before they say it incase they hurt a person(s) feelings.
i'm sure that the people who shared this must be arrogant bcs he/she can make story and poster. and he/she envy to goddess,dbskgirl,and kind of it bcs he/she can't make a good story and get many subscribers. ._.)
Annniee #7
Oh my gosh. how could they say that about G-----s?! like, just because she's popular doesn't mean she deserves the hate. and the poster thing, WHAT THE ____?! I totally agree with you that the poster thing has nothing to do the story's quality.
The Confessions make me sad that the people on the site think they need something like that. On sites like fan fiction.net or elsewhere there is none of that type of thing. I write on here and fan fiction.net and it feels like even though both have fan fiction, they are completely different worlds.

Li Li
ButterflyShida #9
I can't think it about right now. -_-
TOPKpopfan #10
I will only complain about the trolls, I would say nice things hahahaha but seriously, just because someon can't make their own poster doesn't mean their story is crap, I can't even make one because I'm hopeless at it! I don't know about my writing however(haven't got any feedback...) but I have confidence that people are liking it. I have heard about this...goddess? But I'm sure that person wouldn't like it if someone confessed about them like that. I wouldn't care tho, just means they are jealous ^3^ hahahahahah I haven't have ppl blog everyday with only a few sentences, so I haven't experienced it, I just want those people who are getting slammed in the confessions realize that, they are only being hatred on because other people are getting jealoouusss~ so if ur getting hatered on! Just remember that u must be the best writer to get that kind of attention. Trolls are stinky! Hahahahahah
okay well people who blog everyday are a bit annoying but nothing to really get annoyed about. Just don't click. And the poster shop thing is ridiculous, in fact so stupid that I want to laugh manically. And about Goddess, she's a great, engaging writer and she's done nothing to cause me to think that she's arrogant. She has amassed such a following she deserves to be proud.

Um...all I have a Gimp and I have no idea how to freaking work it. I'm 25, I can work my way around word, excel, publisher, databases, the internet, but when it comes to photo editing software? I'm clueless...so please tell me where the freak the correlation comes with not making your own poster for your own story and your story being absolute crap? I've had years of writing and I have gotten much better over the years. Sure I can use more work but I think its unfair for people to judge other authors. A lot of people are anonymous and that's why the internet is a dangerous place because anyone can hide behind anonymity and do and say anything they want. It's sad really.
im kind of with that person who hates people who has a blog ob AFF everyday , i mean it gets annoying, i unfriend people when it starts to really annoy me :L
that blog is just terrible... its cyber-bullying, especially to Goddess, drake, dbskgirl etc. I read through them and I'm just really appalled..