SM's Conspiracy

SM's Conspiracy


Yes,I know it's a weird title and you might think that I'm paranoid. LOL

So,I believe you guys have seen HunHan with pink hairs? I was like, WTF? I actually hate pink,no offense. But HunHan look good in pink,seriously,


Anyway, haven't it occured to you that SM is doing this on purpose? Dying both LuHan's and SeHun's hair pink at the same? Why couldn't it be SeHun with other members? Sehun and Chen. Sehun with BaekHyun or XiuMin..? Not that I mind. It only increases my HunHan feels more <3

However, I think SM is manipulating HunHan's couple popularity just like they did to YunJae once. SM is making money out of fangirls' (and some fanboys') love for HunHan!


Ok yeah, sorry for being paranoid. Please tell me what do you think about this :)



Oooh...anyway,I lurrrrrrrrrve how Lulu kept clinging to SeHunnie~ Pardon my feels <3


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I'm pretty sure that's what SM is doing to be honest. Also with this no-comeback thing they are doing. Doing crazy stuff like this to keep the fangirls/fanboys around.
oh yeah, sm totally knows what they're doing. pretty much from day one hunhan has been a "thing". sm knows that the majority of all exo fans ship hunhan so they instruct them to do this. I don't doubt that they're good friends in real life, I know they are. but let's be real; they're not lovers, they're not crushing on each other or anything like that. sme is definitely milking it to a point where it seems like the boys are starting to get uncomfortable. there have been so many interviews and stuff where the interviewer brought up luhan when sehun was there and sehun when luhan was there just to see their response/reaction. at first they answered pretty well but eventually it just... they seem uncomfortable.
I also think SM is telling em both to stick to each other like glue :p
Coldsun1996 #4
HUNHAN <33333
because chen, baekhyun, and xiumin won't be good in pink hair? haha. i love luhan's new hair. i love it more than his blonde.
I don't have EXO feels anymore but I still somewhat like Hunhan. Hehe~
They are doing it too obviously.
SM don't mind using male couples to like advertise >.<

so ya, anyways, *le approves* XD
HAHAH of course its no big surprise anymore if SM's indeed conspiring about Hunhan. but whatever, happy fangirl feels haha