Of Yoga and Depression

Hi! It's been a while.

Does anyone miss me? >,<


Anyway, I've been getting into yoga lately as a way to combat my depression. I have this thing going on for a while now and nobody knows it. I buried myself in work so that I won't put much thought over it. I guess, it's not enough. I don't really intend to share it with anyone in real life. I feel like it's the most intimate part of me that I'm not willing to share with anyone.

Btw, yoga is GREAT! I actually listen to Kpop and Bhangra songs when I'm doing yoga. It soothes and calms me,I guess. I really like Zumba but I have no time for it so yoga is a good substitute lol


I have an interview scheduled for me this Monday with a huge airfreight company. I really hope I get the job because well, office hours rock! I need some time alone for myself during weekend. Plus, the pay is better with this company. I hope I won't get as depressed anymore with my new job.

P.S Follow me on instagram - MottiNuri_LaGorda

Thanks for reading my boring post that has nothing to do with Kpop. Cheerios! Bye!





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Thats awesome. Glad that you are feeling better with yoga. All the best for the new job. Fighting ^_^