EXO News Update 03! (12.04.2013)




  新浪娱乐讯 第十三届《音乐风云榜》年度盛典已拉开帷幕,将于4月14日在深圳南山区举行,众多奖项的最终结果也将会在当天现场揭晓。近期,盛典组委会透露超人气组合EXO将全员出席本届音乐风云榜年度盛典。

  EXO是有着“造星工厂”之称的韩国SM娱乐公司,在去年4月推出的新人男子偶像组合,分为各有6人的两支小分队EXO-M与EXO-K。EXO-M主攻中国市场,EXO-K则主攻韩国市场。在第十二届《音乐风云榜》年度盛典上,EXO-M正式首演出道,时隔不到半年,又在音乐风云榜新人盛典的舞台上拿下最能证明人气的“最受欢迎组合”的奖项,并且是EXO-M出道以来拿到的第一个音乐奖项。回顾颁奖当晚,现场大屏幕也播放了EXO-M出道以来一路成长的画面,EXO-M的成员们看到全国粉丝对自己的支持时,更不禁现场落泪。几度哽咽之后,成员们纷纷表示这个奖项对他们的意义重大。随后,EXO-M与兄弟团EXO-K还首度在新人盛典舞台上实现合体,一连表演了专辑中的两首主打曲《History》和《MAMA》,以震撼的现场歌舞回报了现场粉丝的狂热支持。时隔一年,风头正旺的EXO-M 已相当成熟,一连入围本届盛典“最佳乐队组合”、“最受欢迎新人”、“最受欢迎乐队组合”三项大奖,将与众多实力歌手进行激烈角逐。作为出道仅仅一年的新人来说,也显示出EXO-M作为新人组合的强大人气。而届时,兄弟组合EXO―K也将出席本届年度盛典,实现EXO全员再度合体,表演也将全新升级。




(Header) Annual Music TOP Charts Ceremony EXO would be performing as a whole

(Text - 2nd Pragraph main text) 

EXO is under the label  Korea SM Entertainment which is known as 'Idol Factory', and debuted as a Rookie Male Group last year April, each team with 6 person namely EXO-M and EXO-K. EXO-M tagets the China market while EXO-K targets the Korea Maarket. At the 12th Annual Ceremony, EXO-M officially debuts and not after half a year, they are back at the Awards Ceremony and managed to clinch "Most Popular Group", which is the very first award that EXO-M achieved since their debut. 

Reminiscing what happened that day, a video is played which shows their moments througout the journey from pre-debut till then, EXO-M members saw the love from their fans and can't help and shed tears on the spot. They thanked the audience and mentioned the importance of the award to them being a great recognition. After which, EXO-M and brother team, EXO-K performed the 2 hit songs 'MAMA' and 'History', with such a wonderful performance, they managed to show their love to their fans and expressed their gratutude as well.

After a year, EXO-M is now matured, and they got nominated for "The Best Group", "Most Popular Rookie", "Most Popular Group" these three Main awards, and is competing along with other competent Singers. Being just debuted for a year, this also shows how strong the popularity of EXO-M is. And at the same time, the brother group EXO-K would be also attending the Award Ceremony, 12 of them would be performing together which would bring the performance up to a whole new level.



Phew.. This is a long one O.o I am totally expecting this ^^

Credits: Here

Video (12th Annual Awards - EXO-M Speech): Here

Videol (12th Annual Awards - EXO Performance) : Here

Credit for Translations to Raynie1995. Thank You.


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i wanna creys T_T