Happy Birthday Sehunnie!

Hi! I am going to post yet another speech for EXO haha. Oh well, EXO is the only one I make speeches for so I might as well do it often. Well, maybe not often but during those important dates for them :) Anyways, here I go! Think of this as a letter I will give to Sehunnie, my ultimate supercalifragilisticexpialidocious bias :) (And try to search that word up and you will find it ;))

Hi Sehun! You're finally an Ohdult! See what I did there? Anyways, I just wanted to greet you a very very very happy birthday. Just so you know, if it weren't for you being my ultimate bias I never would've experienced many different feelings! But that's a different story. No matter what though, although you might never know who I am, I will forever love you! ^^

It's been almost a year since I started liking you guys, EXO! And EXO is by far, the best biased group I've spazzed about! :D And you, Sehun, are the most handsome, talented, adorable, shy and awkward bias I've ever come to love. ^^ Oh don't worry, Sehun! Being awkward isn't a bad thing at all. So is being shy. I'm shy! I'm awkward! We have the same flaws! But that's what make us charming, no? Kkkkk~

Sehun wasn't my first bias, but I am certain you'll be my last! I promise, Sehunnie, that you will be my last bias, and EXO my last biased group. :) Kkkkk~ Sehun is unique in my opinion, and do you want to know why? Because I don't feel the same way as when I like others while I'm liking Sehunnie! I feel wayy more than just liking him! Yeah, maybe it's love, I don't know. Or maybe it's just that there's something about Sehun that makes me feel so much happier and contented - although I have no chance to be close to him.

You know, I get hurt whenever they call you names when they don't know nothing about you! Sehun isn't disobedient! He's just shy, and can't control his expressions well. Sehun is a sweet guy, always looking out for his hyungs despite being the maknae. He isn't exactly perfect so he has his flaws. He's a human as well, no?

But despite all those flaws, I still came to like him, because he is one of a kind. :) 

Saengil chukhahae Sehuna! Saranghae <3 


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