Writing Interview XD



Taken from turtlepanda22 who took it from guks (who took it from Navi_7769 and AnimefreakFeral, AikaHikari122, trixyBee, ErisChaotica, ghibliesque and OrioleEnsor)

imma fill this out since it looks interestin O___O critisize me if u disagree bout anythin i put! lol anyone can steal it~



[ 1 ] How many figs have you started? (No matter how few it is, you can give yourself a pat on the back for demonstrating initiative.) 
~Actually, I've written so many fics since I was 10 yrs old. Some of them are not really written, but rather in comics style hehe. I guess all in all I've written 50+ in notebooks/papers and about 16 here in asianfanfics lol. 
[ 2 ] How many figs have you completed? (Now, if it’s greater than zero, you can give yourself another pat on the back for demonstrating commitment.)
~I guess it's 7 here in asian fanfics, then in other sources, about I'm not really sure I lost count hahahha XD
[ 3 ] What is your very first fig? What inspired and motivated you to write it? How do you feel and what do you think about it now?
~I think I'll just base it all in Asianfanfics lol My first Fic here is "ONE HOUR" (click on the title to get to the fic if you want) A one shot about Hankyung's thoughts and Super Junior. ^^ 
~My inspiration to why I wrote it, is because of the kind of friendship that Heechul and Hankyung had. Never had I seen such friendship yet... even thought both are so different in many ways, but it turned out to be as their strength and showed that they needed to be together.
~Actually, until now, I'm still moved by that fic, I dunno why, it's like they say... if Friendship is real, no matter what happen, it stays real in the very end. 
~I cried as I write that Fic lol
[ 4 ] Which fic of yours do you think is the most well written? Why?
~Most well written? I have two, that's "EVEN BRIDGES DO FALL" A n AU fic about Kyuhyun who chooses between friendship and love; and "SECRETS OF THE OPERA (HIATUS)" A horror fic of Siwon finding more secrets of Opera lol even thought it's already in Hiatus, I think it is one of the best if ever I've completed it. 
~Even Bridges do fall... it is well written because combining a person's confusion and emotion is really frustrating, it even affected me in real life! In this fic, you would see that it's really more complicated when one is engaged in that kind of situation. In real life, I've never experienced it yet, but if you read it, you'll get the point on how it was.
~Secrets of the opera... A horror fic... yes, a horror fic. I actually stopped writing it because I get nightmares when I update, and suddenly I get scared, illussions fill your mind even though it's just an imagination.
[ 5 ] Which fic of yours do you think is the most poorly written? Why?
~Poorly written? in terms of what? I can't think of a fic... uhm, my opinion... poorly written is the lack of emotion in the fic or too much emotion in the fic... in which I think, will give a negative impact to the readers. I think my poorly written fics are my incompleted fics LOL 
But really, if you read my incomplete fics, it's not poorly written... it's just incomplete.
[ 6 ] Which fic is your favorite out of the ones you’ve written? Why?
~My favourite? I have manny lol but first is my "WE GOT REALLY MARRIED" a fic where Yesung finds himself married unexpectedly, then right now "FIRST ELFs (Ongoing)" A fic where Super Junior meets the real ELFs in their lives.
~Why? We got really married is one of my most successful chaptered fic I've written plust it has a comedy-drama-friendship all blended in this fic. Plus I've never expected that I really like Yesung hahahahha. It's quite funny when you mix one weird person to an average person... well just added some excitement in one's life.
~First Elfs because it's my ongoing fic hahahaha~ you have to love your fic in order for the fic to love you lol
[ 7 ] Which fic is your least favorite out of the ones you’ve written? Why?
~My least favourite, obviously it's my incomplete fics lol, why would I finish it if it's not my favourite anymore lol sorry fic OTL
[ 8 ] Which character that you’ve written (does not have to be an OC; can be your portrayal of an idol) do you believe most closely resembles you?
~I honestly, I don't really know... my personality changes in any kind of situation O.o
[ 9 ] What are the most common topics and themes that dominate your stories?
~Depends in my inspiration... if I'm inspired to write sad things, I'll write it, if funny, then comical, but mostly I'll never fail to put friendship theme in it ^^
[ 10 ] What do you think are your strengths when it comes to writing? Be specific.
~Strengths? the music!!! :D SUPER JUNIOR MUSIC HAHAHAHAA~ 
[ 11 ] What do you think are your weaknesses when it comes to writing? Be specific.
~Weakness? not that I'm bragging... uhm, my weak ness is that my brain moves faster than what I write OTL.. example, if I'm working on chapter 5, the things on my mind is all about the things happening in chapter 8 or higher. then when I'm going to work on chapter 8 already, I'll forget what was supposed to happen.. OTL
[ 12 ] In what ways do you think you have improved since you first began writing fan fiction?
~My vocabulary has expanded, then my story chapters is not only 1-2paged (base is MS word), it's 3 NOW hahahahhaha~~~ then if I gained more subscriptions, then my typing ability is faster XD
[ 13 ] In what ways do you think your writing reflects you?
~I think my writing reflects on life. No matter how crappy, no matter how sad, no matter how unlucky, no matter how stressful, no matter what, life gives you things what you ask of it. It's about decisions and consequences... there is no right or wrong decision, it's really how you see it, favourable or not. There is just the consequences... If you choose to quit, then quit. If you choose to go one, then go on. 
[ 14 ] Why do you write?
~I write because... I can :)
[ 15 ] How do you evaluate yourself as a writer? How do you define your success a writer?
~My sucess as a writer? Is when a reader understood my message. Example my message in my fic One Hour my message is: "Friendship never ends". In Even bridges do fall: "You can never choose love over friendship" in We got really married: "When love is real, fate will always bind you no matter how life will tore you apart" 
~That's my success, and I hope the readers will get those messages, I still have many though ! ^^
[ 16 ] What do you think it means to be a writer?

~ It's deifficult when you are a writer... becasue in real life you are not enduring physical fights, but rather you are fighting with your emotion... which is more complicated in my opinion. 
~ What it meant to be a writer is that you spread your wisdom to everyone, as how you percieve things rather differently. You share your stories just to spread your message. Even thought in writing you only have a few recognition but it really meant everything to you... and that's what beautiful being a writer. 
~Any Author is a writer, but not all writer is an author :)


Arasso whoever wants to steal it go ahed and do it~ haha sorry if u read all of that and had to hear me ramble :P



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turtlepanda22 #1
That was very movin xD I AGREE WITH EVERYTHIN XD espiially with we got really married u know it motivated me to write rite ^o^