1 year with EXO

So... it's been a year, huh? SM, just what are you trying to pull off and you didn't give these boys a comeback during that year? Maybe they're going to do something grand and big! Bigger than what we fans have expected! But let's cool off on that issue just for a while and appreciate the things EXO has done for us during that 1 year.

Within that 1 year I've already seen the in person, and got to watch them perform, although I was about 500 meters away. But that's okay, my binoculars were there to be my hero! Haha, kidding.

It was about a week before the concert when me and my family were eating lunch and talking casually, when my mother suddenly brought up the concert I'll be attending. Then we talked about it for some time, and then I asked her if she's watched one. She said she has, but it was a benefit concert - just to fill up the whole stadium because not much people attended, but to attend one like how I will attend DKFC - not yet. Then she started talking about how girls cry when seeing their idols perform. I laughed and agreed with her, I even added, 'I know right, it irritates me sometimes watching those girls cry.'

But when EXO started performing - oh how my tears fell so easily! I couldn't stop them, too! I was so happy, and I couldn't believe I was already seeing my idols in front of my eyes! The frames of the binoculars were already filled with tears but I didn't budge one bit to remove those from my eyes so that I can see them closer. I was so happy, that I couldn't explain my feelings - I was just so overwhelmed!

The days before the concert was quite dreading for EXO, though. Kai was injured, and he seemed hurt - like a lot. I wanted to slap the fangirls who hurt him but as an international fan, I can't. I want to protect the boys somehow, even through the tiniest ways.

Although I wasn't a fan since the very beginning, I am very much certain I'll be one until the end. I DO get tired of the things I get addicted to pretty quickly, but K-pop is an exception, EXO is an exception, Sehun is an exception, and the rest of the members of EXO are an exception. I will never get tired of them and eventually leave them, I promise! And when I promise, I don't ever ever break one.

In that one year, EXO has given me happiness. My little boring life became a crazy, fun one. Although my mom thinks I'm plain crazy and obssessed, I think that's just fangirl love, haha.

I really really love EXO a lot. Some of you might think I'm just obssessed with them, but I'm not! I know to myself that I am not just obssessed. I am in love with 12 young, talented and nice men, who do their best to show that they love as back, just as much as we love them.

I love you, EXO! I hope more years to come for you guys. You guys are basically my life now, because every single day since May 27th, my day has been revolving around EXO. It's not always a bad thing, because it is basically what keeps me happy although there are many things to be depressed about in my life. EXO has showed me that there's more to life than just being depressed over tiny things.

Thank you so much, EXO! I love each and every one of you! EXO is one of the best things that's ever happened and came to me. :)


And Sehun... you are my first love :) I love you, dude!


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Awww so touching T___T congrats EXO Babiez! \(^____^)/