✨Work Hard, Play Hard [Gu Kyungmi]




Gu Kyungmi



Clothes Dresser



Username: Royeolty

Activeness: 4.5

*What should we call you? Yeollie


Name: Gu Kyungmi

*Nickname(s): Mimi, Kyungie

Age: 22

Birthdate: April 14, 1990

Height & Weight: 170 cm & 49 kg

Birthplace: Jeju, South Korea

Hometown: Changsha, China

Enthnicity: Chinese-Korean

Languages(s): [ Korean - Fluent-ish (Some words and phrases she does not know) ] [ Mandarin Chinese - Fluent ]


Ulzzang: Sung Sin

[ Gallery ]

Backup Ulzzang: Jung Sunga

Pictures: [ Gallery ]

Style: Kyungmi is the biggest fashionista you will ever meet in your entire life. To easily describe her style, I'd say it's modern, cute, but it has it's own edge to it at times. She always has the best clothes she can possibly find on, even at home. It's rare to see her without her famous 'cat eye' makeup. To sum it all up, Kyungmi is the kind of girl who dresses to impress all the time; even when others may not be there to see.

 casual: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

 date: | 1 | 2 | 3 |

 work: | 1 | 2 | 3 |

 formal: | 1 | 2 |

 shoes: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

*Extra: Like Lay, Kyungmi has a very noticeable dimple on her right cheek.



Cute - Kyungmi has been described as cute by a lot of people in her life time. She's the type of girl whose innocence and lovely charms can make you coo 'aww' for minutes on end. She tends to think very childishly because of her purity, but it isn't such a bad thing. Because of this, sometimes it is hard for her to understand certain things or comprehend the meaning of something so simple. Others pick fun at her because of this, but she takes it all as a joke. On top of this, Kyungmi is very sweet -- the type that can smile and give you diabetes, kind of sweet. Most think she is an innocent angel that has merely fallen from heaven on accident.
Mellow - Kyungmi is a very relaxed individual. This quality tends to make her less strict and more laid back when around others; but not to the point where she won't get work done. She's also patient and unhurried. She believes that taking your time is better than rushing; after all, achieving perfection cannot be done so quickly. In terms of the guy's clothes in this sense, she won't rush them to get dressed so she can help the others. She makes sure the boys are comfortable and happy with their clothing, and that it fits their image. Relating with this, she is also very easygoing. She's not demanding or controlling, and has ease living a life of calmness.
Level-headed - Kyungmi is one whom anyone can come to for a shoulder to cry on. Sure, she may not be the best person to ask for advice from because of her immaturity, but her comforting skills are beyond amazing. This makes her a very reliable indiviual to others. She is never forgetful, so anyone can rely on her to remember important things. She is never judgmental, so anyone can rely on her to be understanding to their issues or hardships. This list could go on forever if I tried. Due to her level-headedness, she is very untempermental. She has no issues controlling her anger, and can openly discuss her feelings without going into a fit of rage. 





Bubble tea


Romance [ She is such a sap for romance. ]


When people's clothing does not match

Drama Queens/Kings

People complaining about her sense of style




Tapping her bottom lip with her pointer finger and furrowing her eyebrows when she is thinking.

Constantly fixing the guy's clothes and smoothing out their jackets before they go out.

Falling asleep fully dressed [Shoes and everything].


Kyungmi has a 1-year-old Pomsky puppy named Kaine. She loves the little furball to death.

She thinks guys with chubby cheeks are absolutely adorable.

She can actually sing very well, but she refuses to show anyone her talent.

Back in Jeju, she modeled for several companies.



Kyungmi grew up in the beautiful islands of Jeju, just off the coast of South Korea. She was raised and properly taken care of in a high-end area of the island. She was tended to by butlers and maids, and had access to a private beach her family owned; to put it simply, Kyungmi's family was very rich. Later, because of a business opportunity for both her mother and father, Kyungmi packed up her bags and moved to Changsha, China. There, she lived a similar lifestyle.


Mother | Xi Miu | 42 | Fashion Designer | Eccentric, sarcastic, witty, caring | 9

Father | Gu Kyungjoon | 45 | Big Businessman | Outspoken, loud, blunt, warm | 7

Best Friend:

Dance Instructor


Hairdresser and Make-up Artist


Rap Instructor

Vocal Instructor


Position: Clothes Dresser

How?  With her mom being a fashion desginer, Kyungmi had no trouble getting the job. In fact, her mother set up the entire interview for her.

Why? Kyungmi agreed to work there because she thought it was a great opportunity to show her mother that she too could be good at fashion designing. She also just really wanted to work with the Exo boys.

Feelings? Kyungmi is super super excited to work at SM. She's very proud to be part of such an important team of staff for Exo. She thinks this opportunity was once in a lifetime; and she just happened to be the lucky one to get it.

Ideal Job?  Kyungmi wants a challenging job where she will have to make do with little supplies. She also wants a little freedom with her work; she wants to be able to experiment and wind her own style into Exo's clothing. She loves to talk with others, so she would like to work alongside many people. 

Back up Position: Vocal Instructor


Love Interest:  Kim Minseok [Xiumin]

Age:  23

First Meeting: [Warning: Be prepared for some ultimate fluffiness and sap.] Kyungmi was on vacation in the wonderful Seoul for two weeks with her cousins. From day one, she really loved the atmosphere of Seoul; it's crowded and bustling feeling almost made the city seem like it all in itself was searching for romance. Her, being a total sap for anything romantic, came to adore the city and everything about it. On the fourth day of her stay, her and her cousin Jonghwan were out taking a walk through the streets. That's when she spotted a Chinese stand full of dumplings. Getting hungry, she dragged Jonghwan with her and bought 3 dumplings for them to share. As she turned around to start walking away, her eyes caught sight of an adorable boy with chubby cheeks and long black hair. She stopped in her tracks just to admire this boy as he passed by. Suddenly he stopped and caught her gaze, and they stayed like that, looking at each other, for what seemed like forever. Finally, Minseok approached her and politely held out his hand as if to introduce himself to her. Kyungmi obliged and took his hand, her cheeks blazing a bright red as soon as they touched. Minseok looked at her with a smile and introduced himself.


"Hello." He said suavely. "My name is Kim Minseok, it's a pleasure to meet you."


Kyungmi hesitated for a second before taking the strangers hand in hers. She blushed as her palm made contact with his. "It's nice to meet you too, Minseok-ssi. My name is Gu Kyungmi."


Minseok eyed her for a second before bringing her hand up to his mouth and placing a chaste kiss on her knuckles. Kyungmi, loving his gentlemanly attitude, blushed even more. 

How you interact: Best friends. Kyungmi treats him a little bit better than the other guys; I guess you could say she favors him in the way. Kyungmi is Minseok's favorite worker.

Back up Love Interest:  Kim Jongdae [Chen]


Comments:  Nope~

Scene Requests:  Xiumin purposely messing up his clothes so Kyungmi will have to fix them.

(Work) (Play)





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