B.T.B Application || Bang Zana

Username: Royeolty

Name: Xiao Zana


  • || Zane - Her English friend Phia has a hard time pronouncing Zana's rather 'foreign' name, so Phia shortened it to 'Zane'. It sounds so much like her real name, so it's stuck for a long time. ||
  • || Squishy - Her family and friends call her this because of her rather 'squishy' cheeks. ||
  • || Zizi - The other band members got tired of saying her whole name, so they simple call her 'Zizi'. ||

Age: 19

Birthday: 1 December

Birthplace: Beijing, China

Hometown: Mokpo, South Korea


  • || Elementary - Beijing Xiyi Elementary School ||
  • || Middle School - Beijing 101 Middle School ||
  • || High School (In Mokpo) - Jungang High School ||
  • || College (Currently attending) - Dongguk University (For performing arts) ||


  • || Chinese - Fluent ||
  • || Korean - Fluent ||
  • || Japanese - Basic ||

Ethnicity: Chinese






Warm, optimistic, extroverted and flamboyant are some terms that best describe Zana. Zana is friendly, goodhearted, and generally an agreeable person. But, because she is charming and sociable, she has a tendency to show off. Naturally because of her sociable ways, she is a people person. She is motivated by what others may or may not think about her, and always has to have people around. Without them, she feels lonely and may become sad or depressed. Others say she is very approachable with a warm and soft aura. She is also one of the world's many nurturers. She loves giving to others and taking care of those who are younger than her. Most say she's a natural mother on the inside. Though sometimes she gives the impression of shyness because she is calm, non-violent, refined, innocent, and sweet.

Zana is a loyal and trustworthy friend, who can easily be depended upon for advice or support. Zana makes a charming companion, and is often the best person to confide in. She judges a friend  not by their outward appearance, but by how they treat her and their individual personality traits and qualities. She is affectionate, courteous, generous, kind, and thoughtful towards those she cares about, and will absolutely never abandon them. After all, to her, friendship is the most important thing, and she treasures her friends deeply. Zana loves people, and mostly everybody loves her. One of her greatest gifts is her general acceptance of everyone. She is upbeat and enthusiastic and likes almost everyone. Zana is unfailingly generous with her companions, and she will generally treat everyone as one; however, once crossed, Zana is likely to make a very strong and stubborn judgement against the person who crossed her. She is capable of deep dislike in such a situation. When stressed, Zana feels claustrophobic. It is sometimes hard for her to tell others when she needs time to herself, as she tends to answer 'yes' to everything. She can easily become upset or confused with herself because she will clam up, tune out, and not explain anything that is bothering her. This can sometimes anger those close to her, but she will usually stay faithful on other levels. Zana looks honest and gullible as she always has her signature eye smile present. One thing that is very important to Zana is doing the right thing, because she has high moral standards to live up to. Despite her naivete ways, one very evident flaw of Zana's is her competitive nature. She considers everything to be a challenge, and won't let anyone stand in her way. Zana can be very strong willed in such a situation, never listening to commands from others. Although, she does like to win arguments, and she doesn't concede defeat easily. She won't go down without a fight.


Xiao Zana came from a rather high class family consisting of her father, mother, and older brother Ling. Despite that fact that Zana loved her brother dearly, she was jealous of him in a way. Zana's parents always favored her brother because he was the talent in the family, and she wasn't. After all, Ling was a highly respected scholar in the business world. Her parents always supported Ling in his tiring efforts to become a businessman. From the countless amounts of studies, to paying for his school days; her parents had done it all. But, not once did they did this for Zana. Ling absolutely despised his parents for treating Zana this way, but he was afraid to stand up to them. So, to make up for it, he made sure to make extra efforts to spend time with Zana. Thus, this made them have the close relationship they have now. In school, Zana was defined as the 'perfect student' by her teachers. Not only did she excel in her studies; she was also polite and kind to her elders/upperclassmen, even if they did not like her. She wasn't the most popular kid in school because she only associated with three other students named Phia Sommers, Sydney Park, and Shin Joon. But, she was widely known throughout the school. Her classmates either loved her or hated her for her 'goody-two-shoes' behavior and outgoing attitude. From her brother's encouraging, Zana was always attending academic banquets and placing highly in the honor system.


  • Blinking her eyes repeatedly when she is confused or doesn't understand something.
  • Swaying back-and-forth when she is deeply thinking, or concentrated on something. (Like Television or Video Games.)
  • Talking extremely fast when she is nervous.
  • Shouting vulgarities when she is upset, angry, or extremely suprised.
  • Muttering things in a mix of Korean and Chinese when she is frustrated.


  • Reading - When she's not practicing or concentrating on her studies, she enjoys to sit down and read a good book.
  • Baking - Despite the fact that she at cooking, Zana is actually very good at baking. Her mother taught her how to make mooncakes, cookies, cakes, and other sweets.
  • Playing Video Games - At her home, she constantly plays video games with her younger siblings. She especially enjoys playing Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, Kirby Air ride, Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 & 2, and Bioshock. (She has a wide interest when it comes to video games.)
  • Skateboarding - When she was very young, Ling taught her how to skateboard. Now, she uses her trusty skateboard everywhere she goes.


  • Zana is extremely afraid of the dark. It's been a severe fear of her's ever since she was a child. This deep fear slowly grew as she aged to the point where she can becomes extremely nervous, have an extreme increase in heart rate, or even fall ill when she is put in darkness too long. Because of this, she sleeps with a nightlight on and is extremely reluctant to go out at night.
  • Most of the other trainees say that Zana is a voice match to B.A.P's Zelo (Which she really is) because her rapping skills are so crisp, clean, and fast.
  • Zana loves anything and everything strawberry flavored; whether it be cake, pocky, milkshakes, ice cream, candy, pop, or even toothpaste.
  • Zana oftenly doesn't use public transportation. Instead, she rides her trusty skateboard everywhere she goes.
  • When Zana is on a variety show of any kind and they ask her about her ideal type, she always says "Someone like Teen Top's L.Joe or MBLAQ's Lee Joon."
  • When Zana is stressed or upset, she oftenly writes poetry, short stories, or song lyrics. It takes her mind off of things and helps her enter her 'own little world'.
  • When Zana cries, she is virtually silent; she was never one to wail or sob.



Lead Rapper




Love Interest: Do "D.O" Kyungsoo


Quiet, warm, caring, and collected are a few terms that best describe Kyungsoo. He may be quiet, but once you get to know him he is actually very deep and understanding. He subconsciously thinks of others before himself, and always thinks before he acts. He's very optimistic, like Zana, and always believes everything will turn out for the better. Though, Kyungsoo believes the most important thing is politeness. People oftenly think that Kyungsoo is shy, but he's actually rather loud and goofy. He doesn't get angry very easily, and is always joking around with the other members. 

How you met:

When Zana first became a trainee, she was afraid of talking to anyone. So, in turn, everybody thought she must just be antisocial. Most ignored her presence, while others longed to talk to her; like Kyungsoo. Ever since Kyungsoo laid eyes on her, he was immediately intrigued by her. So, one day Zana stayed late after pratice to continue practicing her dancing. She was not bad at dancing, but sometimes she was rather clumsy. She went over every move time and time again, but she found herself stumbling on one. As is by magic, Kyungsoo came in to get his gym bag he had left in the room. It was awkward at first because the two were merely looking at each other and not speaking. Then, Zana decided to ignore him, and continued to try and get that one dance move. Kyungsoo noticed her struggling, so he set down his bag and went over to her. Zana was a little shy at first, but she easily picked it up after Kyungsoo explained it to her more clearly. Ever since then, Kyungsoo and Zana have been very great friends.  

How do you act together:

Kyungsoo and Zana are close as can be; most even call them inseparable. The two do almost everything together and are rarely seen not together. Because Kyungsoo is a few months older than Zana, he always insists that Zana call him 'Oppa', but she rarely does. The only things they actually adress each other as are 'Kyungie' (Zana calls Kyungsoo this) and 'Zizi' (Kyungsoo calls Zana this).

Status: Best Friends; crushing on each other.







Name: Xiao Mei Li

Age: 45

Occupation: Fashion Designer


Mei Li is a lovely women with the most unique fashion sense. She is always looking out for her children as she loves them very dearly; nothing is more important than them. She is always supportive of them, and she is very proud of them.



Name: Xiao Chaobing

Age: 49

Occupation: Business owner/Businessman


Chaobing is a typical family father: kind, caring, and always finding time for his wife and children. But, he does have his times where he can be strict and demanding. In fact, he really didn't want his only daughter to go into the entertainment business because he feels like it is a lousy occupation. He said after she is 30, nobody will like her or her band anymore. But, Zana convinced him that it was the good thing to do. And now, Chaobing is very supportive of his daughter.



Name: Xiao Ling

Age: 22

Occupation: Heir to father's business


Ling is a happy-go-lucky young man. Unlike his age, Ling is rather naive, gullible, and innocent. Generally, he is really open and friendly, always caring about everyone around him. But, to a certain extent, he can be somewhat blunt. He tends to just blurt out whatever he is thinking at that moment, making him look silly and childish. Sometimes, his words can be rather insensitive and can accidentally hurt others feelings. Ling doesn't mean or want to hurt anyone's feelings; he just tends to act before thinking twice about what he is doing. Other than that, Ling is very loving, caring, and understanding. He's easy to approach and is really easy to get along with. When you're around him, you don't have to feel self-conscious or have to explain yourself more than once; he always understands. It's hard to hide anything from the young boy, especially when you lie about how you are feeling. He will know what's up. 




Name: Phia Sommers

Age: 19


Phia's really quite childish and immature: the perfect definition of a choding. Her childlike antics make her an absolutely hilarious person. She's the type of girl who is always living in the moment, acting like there is no such thing as 'boredom'. Though, her silly yet clever acts make situations fun and exciting. She's really rather an energetic person, and is always on the move.


Name: Shin Joon

Age: 19


Overall, Joon is nice, sweet, caring, thoughtful, cute, and overprotective. He does sometimes have a mind of his own though, and let's himself become rather obnoxious. He will tease Zane about almost everything; her hair, her clothing style, her laugh, her silly humor, her lanky tall structure; you name it, he makes fun of it. Though, he makes up for this flaw of his by always being able to offer great advice to Zane. This makes her very grateful of having a great friend like him.



Name: Sydney Park

Age: 18


Sydney is a totally lovable and trustworthy girl. Every person desires her friendship not only because she is popular, but because she gives off a friendly and safe aura. Although, sometimes she can be quite the coward, afraid to speak her mind. She prefers to keep her problems to himself rather than informing someone of them. She doesn't want to be a bother. After all, no girl wants to seem weak, right?





Name: Choi Jinri (Sulli)


When you first meet Sulli, she seems so innocent and kind. In actuality, she is quite cold, and self-conceited. She is always completely absorbed in her own ego to ever take notice of those around her. She thinks she's superior to everyone anyway, so why bother giving them unneeded attention? Despite these obvious flaws, she does have one worse: She's very judgmental, and always speaks her mind. Her intention isn't to be rude, she's just rather blunt and will always think out loud. A lot of people hate her because of this.


Zana and Sulli have hated each other with a passion ever since they met. Zana, being the competitive person she is, challenged Sulli to a rapping battle when they first met. Sulli, being the egotistical prson she is, accepted her battle request even though Sulli could not rap to save her life. Of course, this battle between the two attracted a lot of attention from the other trainees and idols. Zana had never actually showed anyone her rapping skills beforehand, so everybody was expecting her to . Zana suprised them all with her superb and perfect cover of B.A.P's 'Warrior'. They were amazed by her extremely fast rapping skills, and immdiately chose her as the winner. Sulli was devistated and humiliated. Her ego and pride were hurt pretty bad that day. Now, Sulli is plotting revenge against Zana, and will get it using any means possible.



Ulzzang: Kite


Back-up ulzzang: Lee Hyang Suk


Appearence: Zana's hair is bright red, and her eyes are a pale brown. (Her hair is the only part of herself that she actually takes time in preparing. Most times, she will leave it down and straighten it, but other times she will gel it up into a nice up do. (Yes, like Lu Han XD ))



Comments: I hope you don't mind that I added the 'appearence' section. <3 I just needed to inform you that her hair was red. Kekeke~ And I didn't know if you would like them to have stage names or not, but if you do, I'd like Zana's stage name to be either 'Zeelo' or 'Zane'. Hope you like Zana!

Suggestions: None


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