Unique application- Song Yuri





 Song Yuri 


 Aff Profile

[ Username ]  Primrose0930

[ What do I call you? ]  Jess

[ Activity Rate ]  9


♚ About Me

[Character's name] Song Yuri

[ Nickname(s) ]  None

[ Age ] 18

[ Birthdate ] 30/09/94

[ Height + Weight ] 152 cm + 47 kg 

[ Ethnicity ] Half Korean and Half French

[ Bloodtype ] B+

[ Horoscope ] Libra

[ Birthplace ] Nice, France

[ Hometown ]   Busan, Korea

[ Language(s) ]  Korean-Fluent, French-Fluent, English- Conversational, Japanese- Conversational, Chinese- Basic


♚ More About Me

[ Personality ] Yuri is laid back to say the least, she's easy-going, level headed, and is usually flexible when it comes to dealing with other people. She's empathetic and pretty insightful when it comes to dealing with dilemmas. She's also a natural klutz, tripping over anything and everything, but has no trouble with laughing it off and making an idiot of herself for the sake of making a few others giggle. Yuri can be impulsive, she'll do what she wants when she wants without giving too much thought about the consequences, which leads her into more trouble than she likes. She is head strong, and strong willed, when she makes up her mind, it's basically an impossible and useless attempt to make her change her mind. However, she doesn't anger easily, but it's more so that when you DO make her angry, run. and run far. Yuri is very straight forward and honest, almost to the point where she's blunt and lacks a filter. But overall, Yuri is a very down-to earth girl who has no trouble charming strangers.

[ Background ] Yuri has spent most of her life moving between Korea and France. Being the only child, Yuri has often needed to  find ways to entertain herself or make friends quickly. But she would never stay in one place for longer than a year or two. When Yuri was 12, her parents divorced, convinced that they lived two different lifestyles. Eventually, Yuri had to choose between living with her mother in Quiet Nice, France or bustling Busan, Korea with her father. Being more a people person, Yuri moved in with her father, that was until she decided to tryout for SM at the age of 14

[ Likes ]


-The color purple

-Nail polish

-Sweet foods

-Music so loud it hurts to listen to it


[ Dislikes ] 


-Arrogant people

-Horror movies


-Waking up early

- Wearing shoes/or socks

[ Hobbies ]





[ Habits ]

-She starts talking in English when she gets flustered or embarrassed.

-She'll start whistling when she gets awkward

-Yuri will also find a really warm room/ place when she wants to be alone. (Example: She'll go to bed in the winter because it's warm and in the summer she'll sit on a rooftop)

[ Fears ] 




[ Trivia(s) ]

- She's great with kids

- She's more flexible than f(x)'s Victoria

- She's double jointed

- She's always cold, no matter what

-Her socks never match unless they're fuzzy socks or she's sick

-She paints her nails a different color every week

[ Online ] Instagram (PurpleSweet3) and facebook (Yuri Song)


♚ My Shell

[ Ulzzang's name ] Song Ah Ri

[ Photos ] 1  2  3  4  5

[ Back-up ulzzang ] Jung Roo

[ Photos ] 1 2 3 4 5

[ Extra(s) ]  - Quote tattoo on her left shoulder: Translation: I'm not afraid I was born to live

[ Style ]  

Training: Very simple and loose, Yuri likes to have the freedom to move when she practices. 1  2  3

Casual: Yuri likes modern clothing with pops of bright colors. 1  2  3

Formal: Yuri likes to show some skin, having lived in France, showing skin is considered y 1   2   3





[ Father ]  Song JiHoo

[ Status ]  alive

[ Occupation ] Doctor

[ Personality ] JiHoo is the lively, bustling man who doesn't know how to keep still, he's always moving, always working, and always has something racing around his mind. He's charming and social, he's never been one to keep quiet on serious matters. He's caring and considerate, however, he's more stubborn than a mule.

[ Relationship ]  Jihoo and Yuri get along rather well, they confide in each other about everything and joke about everything.

[ Mother ]  Allard Renee

[ Status ]   alive

[ Occupation ] School Teacher

[ Personality ]  Renee, although bubbly and smiling, is more of a wallflower than her daughter. She's reserved and often pensive. Unlike her ex-husband, she's relaxed, down-to-earth and prefers to stop and smell the roses.

[ Relationship ] Because Renee lives in France, Yuri doesn't speak to her much, but when they do, they're awkward because they differ from each other so much.



[ SIBLINGS ] none

[ Status ]  n/a

[ Occupation ]    n/a

[ Personality ] n/a

[ Relationship ]  n/a



[ Name + Age ]  Jung Hyomin, 18, OC

[ Occupation ]  student

[ Personality ] Hyomin is Yuri's other half, they act so much alike, social, bubbly, and charming. She's much more crazy and off the wall than Yuri, and much more energetic than she is, but is always looking for a good time.

[ Relationship ]  They finish each others sentences, they know exactly what the other is going too order at restaurants, and they know the others feelings better than they know themselves.

[ How u guise met? ] When Yuri moved into her father's apartment, she was up on the rooftop, soaking in the sun. She was leaning over the railing to look down at the streets when HyoMin came running over and yanked her back, thinking Yuri was trying to commit suicide because she was leaning too far over.



[  FRIEND(S) ]  

[ Name + Age ]  Choi JinRi (Sulli) Idol

[ Occupation ]  Singer of f(x)

[ Personality ] Sulli is giggly, energetic, headstrong, and strong willed. She doesn't give up, always gives 100% of her effort, and never does things half-way.

[ Relationship ] Sulli and Yuri always act like children, they speak like babies to each other and treat each other like they're little.

[ How u guise met? ] Yuri was rehearsing for their debut when Sulli walked in and offered advice and her opinion on debuting






 Lee Taemin 


 My Love~

[ Lover's name] Lee Taemin

[ Group ] SHINee

[ Age ]  19/20

[ Birthdate ]  18/07/93

[ Personality ] Taemin is shy when he first meet's people, but when he gets comfortable around them, he's childish and playful. He's well mannered and well tempered, and even if he gets upset or angry, he won't say anything, he'll just patiently wait until they stop. He's very generous and kind, and is usually a dedicated and hard worker. He prefers staying out of trouble, or conflict in general, it makes him uncomfortable and he finds it unnecessary. But over all, he's fun and and caring. 

[ Did u guise met? ] yes

[ If yes, how? ] Yuri was ordering food for all the members, but the order was too large to carry herself, but she tried Anyways. Sure enough, halfway out the cafeteria, Yuri tripped on her own feet and all the food spilled over her. Everyone in the cafe, laughed, except Taemin, who quietly walked over and helped Yuri clean up and carry the rest of the food back.

[ If no, how? ] 

[ Relationship ]  Yuri acts naturally around Taemin, she talks, and he listens. He acts like her oppa and tries to act more manly around her, almost like he wants to protect her. 

[ Scene Request? ]  Can you do the scene where they meet, like it's a flashback?


[ Back-up lover's name] Choi Minho

[ Group ] SHINee

[ Age ] 21

[ Birthdate ]  09/12/91

[ Personality ] Minho is charming, charismatic, witty, and funny. He's off the walls with energy is always making a joke out everything and anything, He's a smooth talker and always knows what to say. However, he knows when to be mature and always follows the rules. He's respective and very kind and generous.

[ Did u guise met? ] no

[ If yes, how? ]  

[ If no, how? ]   Yuri was attempting to rap, but she's very bad at it and keeps giggling when she messes up. Minho, who was coming in to reherse, saw and heard her and tried to rap with her to help her get the feel of it

[ Relationship ]  Minho and Yuri are natrual goofballs around each other, they constantly make inside Jokes that make no sense to anybody but them. He treats her like his little sister and is constantly tring to fight/battle with her.

[ Scene Request? ] Minho challenges Yuri to a ramen eating contest and Yuri wins


 My Rival

[ Rival's name ] Choi JinRi (Sulli)

[ Age ] 18

[ Group ] f(x)

[ Personality ] same as above

[ Relationship ] same as above

[ What kind? ]  It's a love rivalry. 

[ Reason? ]  Despite the denied rumors, Sulli truly has feelings for Taemin. With Yuri now in the picture, she feels threatened by her and she thinks that if she becomes Yuri friend,she can talk Yuri out of liking Taemin.

♚ My Castle

[ Stage name] Song Yuri

[ Stage nickname ]  Yuri

[ Persona ] Clumsy Beauty

[ Position ] Lead vocal, sub dancer

[ Back-up position ] Main dancer, sub vocal

[ Fanclub name ]  Beauties

[ Fanclub colour ] Violet

[ How did u became a trainee? ]  Yuri auditioned in Seoul at the age of 14

[ Training Years ]  4

[ Any quotes? ]  n/a


♚ My Third wish~

[ Comments/ Questions ]   What do you mean by quotes? A catchphrase?

[ Album name suggestion ] Unique Sounds

[ Songs suggestions ] I got a Boy, Electric Shock, 

[ Any requests? ] StarKing? Beatles Code? Running Man? Maybe a CF for a makeup commercial?

[ Password ] Fanclub Name: Aces and Bias Gif



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What is the weight?
What is the account name of the instragram & facebook?
Do you have any quotes?

I already answered your question in the Q&A section on my story. ^^

That's about it, just change those and it's fine.