My Kpop Story

No has to read this if they don't want to haha. I just ddecided to write this because... well.

What else does a girl have to do on a Thursday night at nearly midnight?

ok. so this is basically how i got into kpop and how it changed me? :3


It was the year 2005 when I heard my mom listening to DBSK and other songs. I didn't think anything of it at first because well. I'm sad to admit-by that age, I forgot the ability to speak Korean. /sobs/

2 years later, after constantly listening to DBSK and Big Bang and Suju, etc. I got hooked. Only a little bit though. I didn't bother learning their names or faces.

Then CN Blue debuted two years after that... and I found the drummer extremely attractive LOL so i learned his name, and officially became a BOICE. Then I shifted around to different groups until I settled to Beast and Teen Top.

Kpop changed me in a lot of ways. I'm nicer, not as troubled, and not as depressed? I was a trouble kid, I guess you could say. I wouldn't stop blurting out my thoughts-which were mostly mean ones-to my mom and others. I had no motivation in my life, so I was depressed. meh. Then when I discovered how wonderful kpop is, I decided I wanted to be a singer. I sang for two years, learning how to do a perfect vibrato and hit all the high notes by myself.

Then my dream got crushed when my family told me I was tone-deaf, and I couldn't possibly make it past the first audition if I ever auditioned. So I was depressed for about a year until my cousin got me up on my feet and told me to rap a part of one of T-ara's songs. She's a singer, you see. A reallllyyy good one. But she can't rap, so she told me to do it.

I tried, and my family was stunned, I guess. I thought they hadn't liked my rapping, but then my cousin told me I was amazing.

So here I am now, a little less than a year later, rapping and dancing and trying to fulfill my dreams :3


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