Hi there~

(Having to type a tag each time it's starting to get me annoyed -_-)

Hi There!

I think I got back to my same-self... finally...

I decided that I'm not going to get messed up just because somethings don't go how I want them to or because a half-jerk half-annoying-kid is back trying to get me... I should be glad right? since at least someone is interested in me, right?

Still I don't like him... I don't like the way he want to "speak" through messages (about nothing) just to have him say that he doesn't study cause he's too obssesed over me... Please... Just say you hate studying I'd appreciate it more...

I mean about two or three years ago we were friends, he was interested in me, but I wasn't that much but still I couldn't make up my mind about him... then he started acting like a jerk so we fight and I haven't heard of him untill last september (I think <_<) or about that time and at the first few messages it was fine then he started acting like a REAL jerk, insulting me (-_-)  so I called it quit... and then  a few days ago he looked for me once again...

He was back to his old self, the one I knew... Still I think I changed a lot since when we were friends and I believe he's not what I'm looking for in a guy to have a relationship with, either it's a serious relation or not.... I mean I don't want a annyong kid who looks for me telling me that he didn't study because of me or saying he tought about me so he couldn't... that's so getting on my nerve... Even thought I don't know exactly what I'm looking for in my future relationship, now Im sure that I want 'us' to be together but independent



To seven_days_late

You were so right.... I slept and the next day I still wasn't feeling well but sleeping helped me to start organising my thoughts

thanks <3


I almost forgot here is the link to my new fanfic (click on the pick ;))


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Glad I helped. ;)