Random Musings

So a list of fanfiction-y things I should do since I always forget and I'm a horrible procrastinator:

  • Finish the contests I've entered (and finish them. Don't let my brain run wild with new prompts and contests until they're done)
  • Enter this since I already had something planned (but finish my other crap before starting)
  • Exo + Disney. Exo + Animated Movies. Exo + Romantic Comedies (especially if Exo + Comeback actually arrives)
  • Continue abstaining from lapslock
  • Try an bandfic with no pairing. Try
  • Don't write angst when I'm depressed. Fluff instead.
  • Stop writing like a fifteen year old. Figure out voice. and humor. Try to write deep stories.
  • Don't give up. Continue writing (no matter how crappily) and actually post it

And finally- don't forget to sleep. or invest in coffee. or do something to give your brain something to hold onto instead of spinning a bunch of ideas I'll never finish

(blah blah what pov was this even supposed to be in whatever)


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