Yes, Master. Application

Yes, Master. 




Please replace the three pictures above with pictures of your ulzzang (250 X 200) and delete all brackets!


Username: (Please link it)    What may I call you?: (Optional)    Activity level: (1 being never and 5 being always)


Beautiful Stranger

Character Name

Nicknames: (If any, please state who calls her this and why)

Age and Birthday: (Be reasonable, she’s not going to be 16/17 and working as a full time maid…)

Ethnicity: (Don’t go crazy)



Languages: (maximum of 3)


Dream Girl

Ulzzang name: ( Song Ah Ri is taken)

Links: (5 HQ pictures) 

Backup ulzzang: (Just incase)

Links: (3 HQ pictures)


Weight: (Please make it accurate according to her height. No 5’7” girls who weigh 92 pounds...)

Clothing Style: (brief description)

Maid outfit: (She’ll be wearing this the most)

Casual: (4)

Pajamas: (3)

Formal: (2)

Extras: (Coats, hats, mittens, boots, etc)


I’m a Diamond

Personality: (Quality and Quantity)

Background: (Basically, how did she become a maid? No ‘She just wanted too’)

Likes: (5)

Dislikes: (5)

Hobbies: (3)

Habits: (as many as you think are necessary)

Fears: (2)

Trivia: (unlimited but nothing crazy)


Love Tension

Family: (Name, age, occupation, brief personality, relationship with character, dead or alive)

Best Friend: (same format as above)

Friends: (same format as above)

Enemy: (same format as above plus why they are enemies)


Why did I fall in love with you?

Lovers persona: (Please choose from the list. Lee Taemin is taken!)

Love Interest name: 

Age and Birthday: (Yes, you may change his age to match your characters)

Occupation: (Basically, what will he take over once his parent(s) pass it down to him? Run a company? Be a doctor? Etc etc.)

Background: (Very brief: Basically, I’m looking for why he acts this way)

How does he like to be addressed?: (Sir? Mr.? Lord?)



Backup Love interest: 

Age and Birthday: 



How does your character act around him: (Does she obey him quietly? Is she a hot head?)


Goodbye Baby, Goodbye



Password: (one or more?)




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