Once again...

... Nobody is going to read it.. But I don't care!!

today I was soooo emotional like I would have loved meeting all the people from the past and talk about happy past times or something like that...

however that's not possible actually... *sigh*

moreover university it's killing me -_-" I mean next month I have 4 tests... I don't know where I'll have the time to study everything -_-""

On a positive note, I'm starting to do some gym... I'm not like too fat but still I believe I should lose some kilos... Evn though it seems like an illusion to me...

I'm tired... And I'm sick and tired of this place and with almost all the people I meet, except... 4? Ah ah . . . Such ugly pleople except those 4 <3 and I'm going not to se all of them  in the near future :(


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