I'm Sorry :(

Sorry for the little blog from before everyone... I just need to release that stress and anger. Besides, if I don't I'll be building a lot of anger in my heart. Plus, I want to stay a happy camper and don't want mad wrinkles on my face.. I would look very baggy and (shall I dare say it).... old. *faints* lol I still love that chingu of mine!!! xD I love all my chingus!!! *clap* Okay as punish for being a buttface today, I will post a video of my slapping myself. Haha Please don't enjoy my pain as I do it..oh guess what I got a kitty necklace today I will post it for you promise. I went job hunting today and saw nice pair of gloves today I wanted it so bad wanted ir so bad


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Hehe it's okay unni :D We all get mad every once in a while, and if I was in the same situation as you, I'd probably do the same thing ;33 No need to slap yourself c:
Looks like Your COOL now XD
It's okay!!!! We all at where for you!!! :) Vent all you want and don't apologize for it, 'kay? Good :)

I want to see the kitty necklace!!
It's okay :D It's better to just let it out than keep it in.
AM I YOUR CHINGU? 8D lol jk xD
kitty necklace? I wanna see~