My B1A4/VIXX Moment [Squirrel Squad]

"The children there love me because I'm a disney princess. You know, when I sing, birds fly everywhere and squirrels come through the window..." - Friend 1

"BARO!!" - Me

"What?" - Friend 1 & 2

"RAVI!!" - Me

"What's that?" - Friend 1

"You okay?" - Friend 2

"Squirrels!" - Me

"Um..." -Friend 1

"You're crazy." - Friend 2

"It's okay, you always gotta have 1 weird friend... Today that's me." - Me

"Yeah, totally." - Friend 2

"BARO!... RAVI!" - Me

"What the hell?! What are you talking about?" - Friend 2

"Nothin... *eats food*" - Me

So, I totally had a moment and it started because I was watching "You got some nerve" and someone made the comment that Baro, Ravi and another person [forgot who] should team up and do a song like that and then someone else called them the 'Squirrel Squad' which made me laugh.

I love them both and they are awesome rappers ♥



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