Oh My Gosh, Seriously? o.o

When your friend (non kpop fan) is unable to pronounce the most basic of names:

1. Changjo (Teen Top) = Chugjo (wtf rly)

2. Himchan (B.A.P) = The Him One

3. Eli  (U-Kiss) = Ellie (I think she's ing me on this one)

4. Junhong (B.A.P) = Jonghyun (And I will never know why, even though I spell it out every single time as JUN-HONG)


Yep, good times.


Chugjo just annoys me.



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Nich111 #1
...I think she/he's just trolling you lol XD There's not way in hell she could be so off on some of those names. Like wtf, Him-one??? and Ellie???... I'd be like "are you serious or are you just ____ing around .-." I can kinda see why Changjo is harder to pronounce but not ...like that lol.
yes i know exactly how you feel!!! last weekend i tried teching my cousin teen top's names i mean like he couldent pronounce chunji's name!!! i even spelled it out for her but she was not cooperating!!! she kept on saying chanji!!! it freaking pissed me off!!!! goodness it not difficult!!
What's wrong with them? Seem like they couldn't read properly. Lols. I hate it the most when my friend who are not kpop fan say that I listened and watch chinese stuff even thought it's kpop thing.
Hahah yeah weirdos. Seriously the him one!! Come on name is so easy to pronounce as well as Eli.
