My confession...

So I feel like I can trust each and every one of you. And i feel like I will not be judged by any of you by telling you what I am about to. Now cut my some slack I've never had to really do anything like this before..first time for everything i guess. So here is my story of how i realized i am biual: 

Probably starting in fourth or fifth grade I started noticing guys and how cute they were. But I also noticed girls. Only i was more shy about that. I kind of pushed it aside, having little crushes here and there. I always knew i liked guys...I kind of assumed I was straight and that was it. But I was wrong. I continued to get crushes and on both guys and girls. Only once again with the girls i'd just forget those feelings. I felt I wasn't okay with liking girls so I just thought "this is a phase, I'm just confused is all." Well if it was a phase i would have been in over after all these years, right? 

But i never did get over it. I just kept pushing it away acting like it wasn't me and i kept hiding that part never telling people I thought girls were cute and I felt attracted to them. I thought there was something wrong with me honestly. I didn't really know of being biual so I kept thinking i was straight or gay. I was all confused because I didn't think I could like both guys and girls. Once i learned what bi was...i never really accepted it as part of me. I just...yupe your right...pushed it away. I don't know why I did. Honestly, during those times I was very very depressed through a lot of life so I thought maybe this was part of my "phase" and this came along with doubting yourself. I hated who I was back then and being attracted to girls wasn't helping me because i had already been thinking there was something wrong with me so this just added to it (THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH LIKING GIRLS!! I WAS DEPRESSED THEN PLEASE DON'T TAKE THAT AS INSULTING!!). 

So finally a few days ago, I realize this feeling of liking girls has never ever gone away. I like guys, I know that. I am attracted to men. But I am attracted to women as well. I just never came to terms with my uality always thinking I was confused..but i'm not confused, it's not a phase, I'm biual. And i hope you all will accept me for who I am :). This is my...kind of coming story (?). Not sure how to put that...anyways that's what i wanted to say...and i've only told three people plus you guys. My parents have no idea. I know they are okay with gays...pretty sure they are okay with biuals too (because being open minded you'd think that'd be included)...but i am so scared to tell them. I really don't know how to tell them i guess....>.<. 


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popmy3 #1
I'm happy for you, you found out a new part if yourself that you accepted and that's good. I hope you find your special someone