Update!!! ^_^

Hi everyone! <3 I know not many people read this, but hey :). And I'm sure those of you who have me on facebook (mintykyu) are probably tired of hearing about this xD. 

I'm in my second year of college *CHEERS*. So, basically in the USA in your second year you have to declare your major (what field you want to go into...we call it a major here, but some other countries might call it something different), and usually you have to have one picked out at the end of your sophomore year. I recently declared my major in Psychology! 

Honestly, it just makes me so excited that I'm getting to go into a field that I get to learn about things I'm actually interested in and learn more about myself in general and my mental illness. I also just really want a job where I can help people (though I'm kind of like maybe I should have done English and went towards creative writing because it's on my bucket list to write a book one day and you can help people through books too and several different ways as well, i just choose psychology). 

Also, my county back, where I am from, was suffering (still is, but things have slowed down) from horrible wild fires. I had to leave my town for a day because the fire got closer to us, but everything was fine, my house still stands along with many others. My heart does go out to those who have lost everything :/ i'm so sorry. It was a hard summer and not too fun. 

I worked two jobs one packaging fuirt and the other at a deli (my job for the last part of summer). I'm still kpop trash incase you wanted to know THROW ME INTO THE TRASH. What other "exciting news" can i give you? Umm I'm talking to a guy recently (7 months HAHHAA SO RECENT) but we haven't met yet so....*frustrated*. 

Also, this summer I'm planning on getting an internship or maybe doing research over the summer, I just am trying to avoid home as much as possible because even though I'm dying in the heat here, I love the east coast. 

Ohh!!! Also, if you guys haven't read the lunar chronicles! SUCH. GREAT. BOOKS. I'm in love with the writing, the plot and the character development. So beautiful honestly. Read them if you want to or if you need something new to read! At least try them! (I've also been watching too many booktubers so now i have a page long list of new books I need to read in my phone....sigh im book trash as well, but that's okay I'm okay with that, books are awesome dammit). 

OHHHH!! Also, I'm taking Korean! I'm so excited to learn about the culture and the language! I mean yes, I did this because of kpop getting me more interested in the korean culture and language, but I'm also doing it because I'm actually excited about learning a language that isn't spanish (not that i hate spanish, but I wanted something different). I also want to study abroad in Korea for my Junior year, but we will see how that all works out. 

So there is all that! I hope you guys are having a great school year or as good as it will get (YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT I PROMISE WE CAN CRY TOGETHER!) and I hope your lives in general are going well too <3. 

Also, if you want to you can follow me on tumblr and/or twitter (on twitter i may mostly use it to stalk bts.....FIGHT ME BTS JUST FIGHT ME ESPECIALLY YOU PARK JIMIN) i do other things on twitter too guys please I'm total bts trash i swear. 


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Psssshhhh I never get tired of hearing about you :3 Wooohoo, you're taking Korean? :D We can talk in the Koreans now, yes? XD Just kidding, hahaha. How's it been going? Learning new things? :D I'm really sorry to hear about your hometown getting scorched so much ;;A;; I saw everything about it on the news, but it's so scary to know it's happening to one of my friends. >,< HOW'S THE PROGRESS ON THIS GUY??? I THINK YOU TOLD ME ABOUT HIM ONCE BUT I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATED SINCE THEN. D: