Just Go With The Flow

To be exact, I'm bored, a bit tired and tired of certain people... ******* :D

I don't know but even so I'm kind of bright (?) these last days without any reasons and that's just not like me




Stilll I'm going to enjoy it and go with the flow ^^


One thing I'm getting more and more certain about as things go by:

I hope I'll manage to be able to go out of this ********* country in (luckly) two or (unluckly) few years... I'm hating the people and their mentality and how things are organized and of the all-kind-of ambiguities

It's getting boring and tiresome


Oh question even though I'm stuck, should I post or start to post the story I'm writing? it's a mainly KaiLu story but there are also other couples ^^

Let me know pleeeease <3


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