True exotics will read this post.



When Wolf was leaked, I did consider the possibility of SM intentionally leaking the song to collect our opinion.

But it actually doesn’t make sense because you can hear the flaws of our lovely vocals in that unfinished version. SM won’t do that to harm their future money-making machines.

Also, SM would have done it when “I Got A Boy” / “Dream Girl” were released if you know what I mean. But they didn’t. They have been confident in their music no matter how different their style become.

Yesterday, “monitor” was leaked and that is an agyeo love song which doesn’t really need SM to leak on purpose.

So there are 2 possibilities:
1. data loss by accident
2. someone did it intentionally

From what I heard as rumours, a USB was lost.
It also said the source will leak 4 songs. 

The delay of comeback is not as serious.

The leak spoiled the surprise so ordinary people won’t buy their CD/ soundtrack.

Also, it reduces the impact of their comeback. And it WILL affect their future career. If it can’t surprise the public, SM will invest less on them and focus on other upcoming groups.

They already have many rivals out there.

Please, be their angels. 
Be their warriors.

They are so precious to us right?

It’s time for us protect them.
Stop the spread.

They are probably sweating in the dancing room while you’re clicking the mouse.

Please don’t be so cruel.
Please spread this message. It is important if there will be more leaks.
It’s the least we can do for them.
cr. to the rightful owner 






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Koalas #1
I won't spread anything. I am just disappointed that the usb was lost... I feel as if it was the person who owned it's fault, but I can't actually point fingers, so please don't accuse me of accusing the staff. I am just really disappointed with all of this. The person who has released all this deserves to be punished.
thefriends18165 #2
ottoke? i will help. i will!!!
i think SM doing it so they can't make the comeback now
'cuz they said they'll comeback will be on 31 March
which Infinite's also !
they want a time no one will do a comeback so they can do Exo's
they could have done it last year !!
for me ! i won't spread any thing but i'm still upset about this procrastination !
ninjaspy1996 #4
*hi 5* same thoughts here!!!! fans realli r not fan..they reallui r barbaric hooligans.
@DarkOwl: I am one of those Exotics too... Hi-five sister! *Brings out gun and turns all serious* Let's go.
I will spread the word. I don't know how, but I will!
Oh, I saw this post on tumblr. But I completely agree with this. I'm really disappointed in the person who is leaking all the songs out. As much as I love EXO and want them to make a come back asap, their careers are much more important than satisfying our fangirling needs. We can wait, but their careers can not.
EXO oppas..Oh my >.< matter what happens, I will still be loyal to them forever. I will love EXO forever.
Okay...after reading this, I'M ANGRY!! I don't know why but that angry feeling...what was written is true.
I typed one whole paragraph (maybe longer than foreverachild's) and delete, type and delete... I really don't know how to express what I want to say now...just hope that they can solve the problem soon...EXO hwaiting!! I. Love.You.!
key-xing #9
I hope this all gets resolved quickly. EXO hwaiting/jia you!
an aegyo love song!?!?!? rlly ~!! O.o
i don't actually get it...i love Wolf.
foreverachild #12
i hate it when this happens, it completely ruins almost everything that a group works for and it ruins the surprise when you first listen to the song... i mean i've been waiting for this comeback just as much as any other EXOtic, but we need to be patient, at least now we KNOW that the album's getting ready and we KNOW that the boys are practising hard and we KNOW that they'll be back soon. Sooman announced plans for a new rookie group in 2011, Kai's trailer wasn't released until late December, What is Love wasn't released onto iTunes until late January, History during March and their showcases didn't happen till March 31st and April 1st. If you could wait that long for EXO's debut, surely you can wait a few more months :/
:'( sobbing T___T
I really hope people stop spreading it or who ever leaked it gets punished because I can't even imagine life without exo like really , I will die if they don't make anymore music just because someone leaked the the songs even if they don't have any attention payed to them they'll still be working their asses off for no reason at all. I would keep going on but it'll be like a page in a half so I will definately help stop the spreading .