Aijala^^ (app for my own story)

EXO's Wives Application Form~


 ** General information**

Full Name: (|Aijala| Aixian| Jesoo | Xi)  (you pronounce it Asia-la)

birth date: (march/15/ 1991)

Birth place: Beijing Haidian, China

Home town: None/ she grew up everywhere

ethnicity: Chinese/Korean

Career: SM Entertainment Mini-manager

height: 172 cm

weight: 52 kg

>>Heavenly beauty<<

your ulzzang / your model / your idol: Mi Hee Hwang

^_^ Personality ^_^

Characters' personality( write a short paragraph on how person acts):

Very sweet and bubbly and mothering. She loves everyone. She can be stubborn about love though. But she's everyone's mommy especially to Exo. She's very funny and always happy though. She's creative too. She loves to make Kawaii DIY charms.  She takes care of everyone and is a well mannered woman. She knows how to act like a lady like, cook and clean. She's quite when you first meet her but she'll soon warm up to you and she's LOUD and PROUD! She always very protective around her loved ones.

Likes (( && why))(( 5+)):

~music- she loves music she grew up with it. It's always going to be in her blood.

~ she loves kids- She's always wanted to be a mom since she was a little girl

~ She likes guys who love kids, smart ,talented and look past flaws.

-she loves her brother- her parents were busy so when they weren't there her brother was.

~ She loves bubbles and Ali. She grew up with them. They're her pets


Dislikes(( && why))((5+)):

~snakes- she hates them because she think they'll kill her.

~ she doesn't like girls who think they're better than everyone and has no flaws

~ She doesn't like that the most talented groups aren't respected.

~ she doesn't like people who abuse their wife or kids.

~ she doesn't like when other girls are drooling over her crush.






-listening to music


-Sleeps on her side and likes to cuddle

-blames herself for bad things that happens

-has a smart mouth

-keeps things to herself...secretive

-she sleep talks

-she bakes when she's sad or angry

nicknames (( && why)):

-mommy- They all call her that because she's very mothering to everyone and anyone even to the people she hates and that hate her.

-meanie-they call her that because she can be mean at times and has a smart mouth. It comes naturally though. She also makes fun of people but don't tend to hurt them.

Best friends(( && why)):

Luhan - He's her older brother.

Stephanie Kim - They grew up together she's like an older sister her

CSJH- They watch over her like a sister.

Sistar- They all grew up together

Kai - he's  like her little baby. She basically raised him since he's been in the entertainment.

Sehun- he's like her little baby. She basically raised him since he's been in the entertainment

Baekhyun- They're really close they look to each other like family.

Luna Park- she's like a baby sister to her.

Tiffany Hwang-They're like sisters

Jessica Jung-They're like sisters

Key Kim- He grew up with him.

-SM entertainment- they all grew up with her.

Life story:

Aijala's mother is a Korean and her father is Chinese. She is the Maknae of the family. Luhan is her older brother. They're parents are CEOs and CMOs the Kpop and Cpop entertainments. They basically who all the entertainments without Aijala's family Kpop and Cpop would be out of business.  She wanted to be a singer but got a better opportunity to be Kpop singers' song writing/composer and SM entertainment6s mini-manager for all the groups. which means she manager the performances, music videos , photo shoots and their personal life. Once Luhan's group debuts she meets them and doesn't her "thing" but something happens to her heart.

blood type: AB

` favorite things(EX. favorite color: red):

favorite color: red , dark blue, purple, pink, yellow, black 

favorite movie: Harmony, 200 pounds of beauty and wind struck

favorite TV show(s): good life, Arigato papa, sayonara, It's okay daddy's girl, Wonderful life

favorite song- BoA-Hope, Exo-What is love, Exo-angel/into your world, ...ETC... she loves almost every song.

favorite artist-Lyn, BoA, Bada, CSJH,DBSK, EXO,4Men...ETC...there's so many to pick from.

favorite things to do: SINGING! Dancing! baking!

favorite pets: dogs ! dragon!

favorite season: Autumn` and spring

favorite subject: music, culture

favorite food: spring rolls <<3

favorite sport: basketball, swimming, football

favorite book genre: inspirational, cookbooks, "how-to" books

favorite rapper: amber, T Tasha, T.I.

Favorite quality in a person: originality and love

Favorite Holiday Christmas

quote/motto/saying  character lives by:

She lives by a lot!


Exo bias: ((or the member in exo that your character  fall in love with)

KRIS WU!!!!!!!!!

WHY do your character like him?

He's original no one can replace his humor, hospitality leadership cheerfulness. He's one in a trillion. His personality makes people fall in love with him every day.  He's also very determined in his goals.

 your rival(optional) (must have picture and write a short paragraph on why your character hates her) :


Go Ara- She older than them tries everything to tear them a part because she can't bare them happy. She's the evil witch of Kris and Aijala's life.

his rival (optional) (must have a picture and write a small paragraph on why your love interest hates him): 

He doesn't one person in general but lots of guys drool over Aijala.


Will they (exo member and character) get married?


if they do, at what age?


How did they meet?

Luhan, Aijala's brother  was going to debut and Aijala was transferred to manager Exo more rather the other groups since her brother is in the group and she'd be able to train them harder as family. Exo's manager introduced exo to Aijala and she got close with all of them.

(but she knew Luhan, Baekhyun ,Sehun and Kai before they debuted.)

Love Story:

Aijala became their mini-manager and her and Kris just "clicked".  He fell for her and she fell for him. But it wasn't that simple. She didn't even know he liked her back nor did he. He was always caught in a "thing" with Go Ara which made things harder. They later push through the odds and got together. After a year they got married and had 4 kids. But things after that also wasn't very easy.

Do they have kids?


If yes, then how many?


How does He acts very cute always making mistakes because he can't think straight. But he's very protective around her he takes care of her and does everything for her, like she does for him.

How do they act together?

he act around her?

To be honest not perfect. They fight and love but try to endure everything. They're a lovey dovey couple at times but also fight a lot. It's mainly about Go

Ara though.


Family members 


-Father| Jie Xi| CEO of the Asian music | 45| August 21,1966| alive| 8|((how close are you guys on a scale to 1-10? 1-not at all and 10-very close))


-Mother | Jihan Kim (Xi) | CMO of Asian music| 43| May 15,1968| alive | 9|((how close are you guys on a scale to 1-10? 1-not at all and 10-very close))


-Sibling (brother, sister, cousin ,pet, half bro/sir, step bro/sis...etc...) 

| Luhan Xi| singer/dancer| 20| April 20,1990| alive | 10|((how close are you guys on a scale to 1-10? 1-not at all and 10-very close))


bubbles |dog:  Stanford pit-bull| female| alive|10


Ali| Dog: English bull dog| male| alive|10


History of your family (like your parents love story) (optional):

Aijala's  mother was the daughter of the Kpop entertainment's owner and Her father was the son of Cpop music entertainment's owner. When Cpop and Kpop came together as one entertainment, Aijala's parents met and they kept in touch. Later they became close while spending a lot of time together. They started dating and got married. Later had their miracle Luhan and then blessed by a baby girl also. They then took over the entertainments and loved together raising their beautiful kids.

 extra Trivia on character (at least 5+):

 -very close to her brother.

-loves to pick fights (playful ones) with exo members especially kris^^

-Likes to annoy Baekhyun.

-Boa, jang RI in, Stephanie, Tiffany, Jessica and Aijala are all very close.

- SM entertainment and singers love Aijala.

-Kris bullies Aijala and Aijala bullies him

-grew up with Sehun, Baekhyun, Luhan and Kai

-jealous of Kris’s ex-girlfriends

(to co-author: I have more pics but they didn't copy right to if you need them then just pm me)



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