My life.

Okay so life right now is like a mini kind of stressful. I am falling behind in AP History by like 2 chapters :P. And i have yet to take any notes on chpt 17 or to read any of 18 or 19 let alone 20. All because of ONE speech for Honors English >.<. Which is on why I think homouality is not sinful, bad, wrong etc. If you wanna read my speech I'll post it on here :). Anyways...I'm super nervous about presenting it to the class and another class because 1. Not everyone is for gays 2. Because i am not good at speaking in front of the class. Also, I am afraid that maybe i am going to get in trouble for pointing out the teacher (who happens to be one of my favorites) too much. Anyways...that's really what i am freaking out. Okay for reason 1 it's not because they aren't for gays (which is really stupid in my opinion) but because i am afraid I will not be able to convince them and get a postive response because of what I believe. But i guess you gotta take that risk and just go through with it. No matter what happens tomorrow i will not change my beliefs. Gays are always gonna be right to me. Gah sorry i am rambling but i am super nervous...>.<. Anyways there is my rant :P. 


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elisaexplosive #1
Just relax. Everyone has their own opinion and that can sometimes be a bit, overwhelming.
But don't worry. You're going to talk about a topic and they will listen. Maybe you will convince some people- I believe in you!