working in a potato plant-day one

I really think they should lengthen the random tag to "Random as hell" cause you gotta know I'd use it every chance I got^^


so today at work I'm going through this three day orientation thing in which today we sat in a little room filling out papers, getting our pictures taken and even got homework... hmm, kinda like school...


it was pretty fun though, my "class" was full of mostly women and a few guys (one of the guys being incredibly attractive, and he had a Russian accent, there's just something about a Russian accent that gets me^^) we all got along pretty well, and apparently the twelve of us were picked out of about fifty or so others so you can see how big this company is in my town^^ (I'm pretty sure I got in because my dad works there and because my drug test was clean, they changed it up this time and went for a hair test instead of a piss test so that could be why so many people got dumped) originally they were looking for about eighteen but well, like I said, we had a hair test and not a piss test (it shows up in your hair for a longer period of time then it does in your urine, I really don't know why they don't just use this method permanently)


I didn't get a lunch though, the "teacher" wanted us to fill this thing out before we left for lunch,-all twelve of us on one computer- I ended up being the last and had about ten minutes to have lunch so I just stayed in the room and thought of happy things (all the while my tummy was growling up a storm, it wasn't to bad though...)


Anyways, I also found out what shift I'd be on, which is swing... and for those who don't know, that shift goes from 4:00 PM to midnight... which I guess won't be to bad, though I wish I had better days off, I'm not gonna have any social life at all -.-


but yeah, had a pretty fun day, tomorrow's gonna be more hands on and I getta see my favorite Russians^^ both the cute boy from class and a guy I've known since I was a wee child (he was friends with my mom, though not so much with my dad... I just remember he would always say hi to me and my brother when we went there to go home with my dad^^)


I'm in a pretty good right now, Tablo's with YG now, SM's catering to my Eunhyuk obsession, Heechul's song with that other guys was awesome and I recently bought a new fish that I named Tiberius, oh and I have a phone now so can talk to people again^^ it's been a pretty good day!! oh, and my birthday's coming up, er, well it's November fifth but that's close enough as any^^ on my birthday since it's my twenty first I'm gonna go out and get plastered, lol, jk, I'm actually not cause I don't really like the taste of alchohal, that and none of my friends are legal and/or reckless enough to go out with me (the only friend I'll have that'll be 21 is studying to be a elementary school teacher -.- yeah, I don't expect to be drinking with any of my friend anytime soon-.-)


I'm gonna go work on updates!!^^


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