(B1A4 Fic) Now Ongoing!

Now Ongoing!

For those of you who haven't already, make sure to check out my latest fic starring B1A4.
If you are into the supernatural, romance, or action-fantasy genre then this is the fic for you.

Jinyoung is an extraordinary person who's been forced to live an ordinary life, made to blend in with his surroundings, and suppress his true being. When a young girl, named Jade, transfers to Valencia Senior High School, the same school Jinyoung attends, he is surprised to find out that she, of all people, can see beyond what a normal human should. At the sight of him, Jade becomes terrified, surrounding Jinyoung are the shackles of death. She begins to avoid him and grows a contradicting sense of both fear and curiosity. At the same time, Jinyoung also begins to find himself becoming more and more interested in Jade and her uncanny ability to see him for what he really is.

Click Here to Start Reading!



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