I wanna kill my cousin right now.

My cousin is new to Kpop right? So when she saw Shinee's Replay and saw Minho in it she says: He's so ugly! Then started laughing.

Hold up , so you're telling me and thousands of other Shawols that this MAN is ugly:





Even though Minho is not my bias in Shinee, I still think that him (and everyone else in Shinee) is attractive. I mean who wouldn't think that he's not?! Oh yeah my idiot cousin who only watched ONE video of them when it was back to their debut and does not know that they have changed a lot.


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im not that into minho but damn is he FINE.how can she call him ugly,that man is gorgeous
What?! Minho isn't my bias either (Key is). But dayum. Even I think he's attractive XD
saguilar #3
Minho is purrrrr
Minho's very hot

case closed
I know how you feel ! My mom said that Luhan and Sehun was ugly ....TT^TT
Minho is cute and handsome even though he's not my bias. But your cousin is new to kpop right so she just need time^^
One. She's new to kpop
Two. She only watched one of SHINee's (correct?)
Three. Give her time to dig in.

It was kind of the same to me. My cousin was new to kpop last year and she was acting like she know everything about kpop. &nd she didn't like Jay Park cos he got kick out of 2pm. So I was kind of like , the fck?. But I gave her time and she acts like she knows kpop but she really dont and now I don't really mind her anymore.
I love Minho. He's y!
I don't follow Shinee but how the heck is Minho 'ugly'? O_O I get 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' but still that's just mean and hurtful calling a person 'ugly' because they don't like that person =.= I think your cousin needs to learn some manners or something.
I say show her what he looks like now and BAM TAKE THAT, he's hot and y now~
GOD SO HOTT *,* drooling ! Fine! Minho is mine then!!!! more for me :) YUMMY!

SUPER MINHO BIAS~!!!!! that's ME! ^^
StrawberryJiminJams #11
Yeah I love Minho. I love that last picture Minho has chocolate abs!!!
She should get her eyes checked ~ he's like freaking handsome and hawt, i have to admit even though he's not my bias . SORRY IF I OFFENDED YOU >.<
Minho's not my bias in Shinee (ONEW!!!) but he's not ugly to me!?

Just ignore her, all new kpop fans think in the way of ignorance, she'll regret it later
TaehyungsTata5 #14
How new to kpop is she exactly?

And for me my first video for SHINee was Lucifer and I didn't think they were ugly I thought they were HOT even Taemin with his long hair! XD