BAP's Oneshot and NU'EST's Hello

So I finally watched BAP's oneshot.  My inner fangirl died.  My former BAP OTP may you rest in peace, banghim was replaced by bangjae.  And yes, I do like bottom!Yongguk, which may sound kind of weird to some people, but I stand by my interest thank you very much.

I also watched NU'EST's Hello.  Wow.  Can a boy group get any prettier?  Oh wait, Shinee's full of pretty boys too.  God damn, sometimes I just want to stab stab, punch punch and scream die you pretty boys who look like beautiful women and make us real!women low self-esteem!  But i love them anyway, because they have beautiful vocals.  Dudes' got angel voices, sound better than some women thank you very much.   I'm also a masochist like every other real!woman out there who fangirls KPOP boy bands prettier than themselves.  Anyway, my NU'EST OTP is and will always be Baekron because they're not as mainstream as Baekren.

I'm thinking, once I finish I'm the Jjang of Infinite's daughter.  I will write a pseudo-sequel, aka a fic in the same univers featuring these two lovely boygroups who  I sometimes want to kill for being too pretty.

Thus ends my first blog post. 


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Omai. I was just bored and clicked the link to this blog and read that and.


I thought I was the only one who ship that dorky couple. BaekRon shippers united ;u;