Apologies to my subscribers

Hey guys,

I haven't updated in half a year as all of you have noticed.  I'm sorry for neglecting this site, but I have been really busy with school, I'm in transition with regards to my University education.  Also I haven't been very inspired to write for this fandom, right now.  I probably haven't been keeping up with KPOP and am currently as some of you know on a Star Trek/Buffy the Vampire phase, along with DCU and DCAU.

I haven't forgotten you guys.  I also am kind of interested in maybe writing the BTVS and DCU fandom into one of my kpop fics e.g. one of the "characters" being super into DCU or something...

Hope you guys have had a wonderful Christmas and an inspiring/enlightening New Years and are committed to your New Year's Resolutions.



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