Older Brother in Chinese

I'm starting to fall in love with Exo-M-like a lot- and I was wondering something. In Korean, a girl will call a close male brother or friend "oppa." In Chinese, a young male calls his older brother/older male friends "gege." I was wondering if anyone who knows Chinese can help me. What would I call an older brother in Chinese? For example, I'm the youngest of 3, both brothers. What would I call them? Any help would be much appreciated! I searched online, but couldn't find anything gender-specific. Is there a difference? Help? Thanks ^_^


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Chinese isn't like Korean where what you use depends on your own gender. 'gege' applies to all older males whether you yourself are male or female, so you can go ahead and call your siblings gege :D Hope that helps :)
It's either "gege" or "ge," but it's not used the same way it is in Korean, where it's generalized to males who are older than you. In Chinese, it's almost exclusively reserve for actual family members.
What fantasyfanfic said, both genders use gege. But you can shorten it to just ge if you want. Chinese people tend to double up on family words like mama, baba, gege, jiejie (older sister), meimei (younger sister), etc.
Both genders call their older brother "Gege"
I think it's still "Gege"