→You Only Have One Chance [ Araya, Sanya ]

"Never forget, and they'll never truly leave"
username: -asuna-
introductions: asuna XD
activity: 8
name: Araya, Sanya
nickname[s]: N/A
age: 22
birthdate: 06/13
birthplace: San Salvador
hometown: San Salvador/Longos, Philippines
ethnicity: Hispanic
language[s]: Filipino; Fluent | Spanish; Fluent | English; Conversational
ulzzang/model: Adriana Lima
links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
back-up ulzzang/model: N/A
links: ---
height: 5'6"
weight: 120 lbs.
appearance: She has dark black, wavy hair that glints purple when the light hits it just right. It's long and silky and looks like something out of a magazine. Her eyes are a bright blue that pop out of her head dramatically. Her skin is a nice tan, though not incredibly dark. She does have a few beauty marks and unevenness to her skin, which makes her look not quite as perfect. Though her height is only slightly above average, she looks like a giant compared to most of the native Filipinos and she's skinny as a stick (due to lack of money to buy decent amounts of food). Of course, however, she has a good amount of muscle on her body that makes up for her missing fat. She acquired this through her constant fighting, and while her muscles don't bulge normally, when she flexes they're rock solid. Also, she has a rather large and unmistakable beauty mark on her lower left back that's remotely in the shape of a face.
style: She mainly wears black and gray, though occasionally she'll throw a bit of color into the mix. She HATES purses and usually doesn't wear accessories, but vests and jackets are her favorites along with jeans and a casual tee. She loves wearing baseball caps, sometimes with the rim turned to the side, and she has three piercings in her left ear and four in her right.
casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
sleepwear: 1 | 2 | 3
missions: 1 | 2 | 3
Sanya's sense of humor is rather sarcastic. And she uses it more often than some people would like. Especially when she's confronted with a situation that she doesn't feel 100% comfortable with. Being sarcastic is her way of dealing with that, so if she's sarcastic with you, it's not necessarily your fault and you shouldn't take it personally. You can never take to heart what she says because she often mindlessly cracks jokes that could be insulting, but she rarely means them. You can generally tell when she's being sarcastic, as her tone is very dry and cynical. Just make sure not to snap back at her, or else she'll just crack another joke and make you look like the idiot. That's another thing. She rarely if ever loses her temper. She knows that if she were to blow her top at what someone said or did, she'd end up looking like the bad guy. Instead she simply sits back and allows the other person to play the part of the idiot. This often makes people dislike her, since she seems almost condescending and like she wins everything.
Sanya is also rather cocky and arrogant. She's a great fighter, and she knows it. Being a firm believer in the phrase "Might makes right" she believes that she is always right. If people disagree with her, she can simply beat them up and they'll have to do what she says. Of course, she never actually uses this ability. She's not that cruel. But she does like to threaten her enemies with it. She sometimes even threatens her fellow members with it when they're out of line, misbehaving, or endangering the gang.
Despite her cynical humor and arrogance, Sanya usually seems to be a pretty happy person. Well at least, as happy as is normal for a gang member. She smiles and smirks a lot, laughing along with people and seemingly having a grand time. Out of the gang of somewhat mentally unstable, depressed, or badass girls, she appears to be the most normal and satisfied. But when you are around her as much as her fellow members are, you notice something odd. She's always happy. And I mean always. Now it's not like she's constantly laughing and has a huge smile from ear to ear constantly, but she's never complaining, never depressed, never cries. More or less, she appears to be always happy. In truth, she's not. It's a mask. She's not exactly unhappy, but she doesn't let her depressing, sad, and gloomy side out. As a matter of fact, she doesn't let any emotions out. The only emotion she every portrays is happiness, which is far from all that she feels. It's her way of being strong. Her way of coping with the circumstances she's under. She has the physical strength, but if you let things get to you, it doesn't mean anything. That's why she has to be mentally strong as well. I mean, she's had people shot at her, stared death in the face, beat people up, and even killed a person. How do you not break under that? Well this is Sanya's answer to that question. She just ignores the unpleasant emotions and only portrays happiness. This, in the gang's eyes, makes her mysterious. Nobody knows exactly what she's feeling, or what she's thinking. It both intimidates and intrigues them.
In order to appear happy all the time, you need to be pretty talkative, no? Well Sanya doesn't mind that at all. She loves talking. About herself, about others, about the weather, about the rats. Anything. It doesn't matter, as long as she has something to say on the subject. There's nothing that she hates more than being left out of a conversation. However, if she does know enough about the subject to imput her thoughts, she won't hesitate to do so. She has a way of keeping a conversation going, even if it's mainly one sided, and she'll talk to just about anyone. She thinks it's fun to learn about other people and to share things about herself (though nothing too personal, or else that might break her mask), and if she wasn't part of the gang she swears she'd be a psychologist. I mean, all they have to do all day is talk to people. What could be bad about that?
Sanya may be strong physically and mentally, but that doesn't mean she's necessarily smart. She book smart, at least at average level. But common sense is not her strong point. The funny thing, is that she's rather hypocrtical about it because the trait of lacking common sense is one of the flaws that she points out most in other people. Anyway, she can be rather slow on some things and is often last to understand the plans that the mastermind comes up with. People would call her a pabo, but her mysterious, strong, and somewhat intimidating exterior suggests anything but a pabo. Therefore people simply credit her lack of common sense to her just not putting things together right away.
Sure she has a sense of humor, and can be a little ditzy at times, but Sanya knows when it's time to get down to business. When on a mission or in a serious situation, Sanya will put all jokes aside and leave her happy appearance behind her. It's actually rather scary how quickly she can go from the content, sarcastic Sanya to the serious, straightfaced Sanya. The second something happens that needs serious attention is the second in which the switch occurs. In that second, Sanya becomes ready for anything and therefore it's almost impossible to catch her off guard. It's impossible to surprise her and the typical 'jump out from behind the corner to scare her' trick will only get you a solid punch to the gut.
Other than the quote that "Might makes right" the other thing that she truly believes in is that if you never forget someone, they'll always be with you. She's lost so many people in her life, starting with her parents, and it's always been hard for her to let them go. But the way she allows it to pass is by writing their name on a piece of paper and on the back writing a brief description of her favorite memory of them. She then puts them all in a special drawer in her apartment and on the last day of each month, she opens up the drawer and goes through each card and recalls each memory. It allows her to never forget anyone that she's lost, whether they died or she was separated from them. In this way, she believes that they are always with her, in her memory and on her mind.
summary: Sanya is sarcastic and arrogant, though she always appears to be content with life in order to keep from breaking under the pressure. She loves to talk and is somtimes a bit ditzy (though she tries to cover those moments up), but when there's something serious going down, she's all business.
  • people who can hold conversations
  • people who worship her
  • parties
  • pizza
  • spaghetti
  • dogs
  • bombs | she loves the dual nature of them as in they're beautiful, but dangerous
  • night
  • rain
  • walking/running (especially in rain, snow, or other bad weather)
  • people that don't take the gang seriously
  • people that lack common sense (like her)
  • awkward silences
  • carrots
  • chocolate
  • deer
  • drunk drivers | because her parents were killed by drunk drivers
  • summer
  • really crowded places
  • aegyo
  • martial arts | her dad was the first to teach ehr martial arts and in order to keep up her fighting technique and strength, she still constantly practices
  • learning to make bombs with Vasya | unfortunately, it doesn't click with Sanya and she'd be hopeless in making or using a bomb herself despite Vasya's instructions, but she likes to watch how it's done
  • basketball | though she never really plays with other people, she sometimes practices shooting hoops alone to clear her head and allow her to think alone for a bit
  • eating | I mean, who doesn't like to eat? And being a very active girl, Sanya eats A LOT
  • jumping onto the side of the road every time she hears a car coming
  • eating everything with her hands
  • asking the mastermind to repeat the plan at least three times
  • smiling a lot whenever she's really sad
  • snapping insults at people and then laughing, though no one else understood that it was a joke
  • starting conversations with random people
  • cars | she hates driving anywhere and would prefer to walk; after the incident with her parents, she honestly fears for her life when in a car no matter how good the driver is
  • one of her biggest dreams is to eventually own a dog
  • she doesn't drink, except in ocassional very small amounts
  • doesn't have her liscense
  • thinks that burps are the most disgusting things ever
The Arayas were a reasonably happy family living in San Salvador, the capital city. They weren't abnormally happy, and they had the same problems that everyone encountered living in big cities, but they managed just fine. Their dual income allowed them to live a comfortable life style in an apartment building, though they weren't surrounded by luxuries and commodities. Like most little girls, Sanya got along much better with her dad than with her mom. Her mother being somewhat paranoid and a little overprotective, Sanya preferred the carefree and laid-back personality of her father. They got along famously, rough housing, joking, throwing insults back and forth, and even discussing the latest in news and politics. Their relationship ranged from pillow-fights to serious debates and everything in between, including martial arts and self-defense lessons. Unfortunately, his job forced him to travel a good deal and he wasn't at home often, but Sanya learned to make the most of the time she was able to spend with him.
In school, Sanya wasn't exactly the popular girl. She had her two or three best friends, a few friends, and a bunch of acquaintances, but she wasn't usually the center of attention. Of course, the boys loved her skin tone, her luscious hair, her lean and well formed body, and her brilliant eyes, so she was popular in that regard. But most of those boys weren't interested in a mere friendship, and Sanya wasn't ready to commit to anyone, at least not yet. Instead, she remained content with her small, but entertaining group. As far as grades go, Sanya was average. She got mainly B's, was in a couple honors classes, failed some tests, aced others... you know, the basic performance.
All together, Sanya was just a normal Salvadorian girl, going to movies on the weekends and arguing with her parents about curfew. But one night that all changed. It seemed like just another night. Sanya was 14 and she was going to be home alone until late that night. It was Valentine's Day and her parents had planned a special night of fancy restaurants and romantic boat rides. Sanya was a bit jealous, having never had a Valentine of her own. Most years she had received one or two secret admirer notes, but none were serious enough to fess up to it. It was 10 o'clock and her parents were due to be home in about half an hour. The phone rang. Sanya wondered who could be calling this late at night, and decided to answer the phone against her mother's strict orders not to answer the phone when home alone. But it was a good thing she did. It was the police. They had just arrived at the scene of a serious car crash. Sanya's parents had been identified as two of the bodies. They had died instantly, or at least that's what the police said. They apologized for Sanya's loss and after asking a few questions, said that someone would be at her apartment to pick her up as soon as as possible. Sanya was speechless. She'd heard of people loosing their parents, in car crashes, while getting robbed, caught in cross-fire, but she had never imagined that it could happen to her. That world had seemed so far away. All she had ever experienced was being mugged a few times, and having to fight off some guys with the martial arts that her father had taught her. This was a whole 'nother league. And Sanya knew that her life had forever been changed.
Around midnight, there was a knock at her door. She hadn't been able to sleep and she supposed that the police had assumed that that would be the case. Checking the peephole first, she opened the door and let the female officer inside. She seemed nice enough, with a gentle if not tragic smile. She looked Sanya straight in the eyes and said "You're old enough to know what happened." and with that, she explained the crash, graciously leaving out anything too disturbing. Once she had finished, she apologized as well and reassured Sanya that it had not been her parents' fault, and that they were somewhere better now. Having been raised in a family of Atheists, Sanya didn't quite buy it, but she didn't say anything either. It was comforting to think that her parents might be happy now.
The policewoman talked with Sanya. About everything and anything. Sanya broke down in tears multiple times, recalling her parents and the memories they had shared. The policewoman listened patiently and held her as she cried. When it was all too much to take, Sanya finally passed out, falling asleep there on the couch in her living room with the policewoman looking after her. In the morning, the woman helped Sanya pack her bags, telling her that since she didn't have any relatives able to care for her, she would be taken to an orphanage, however the woman promised that it'd be a good one. And anyway, she would only have to spend a little over 3 years there. That wasn't so bad.
She arrived at the orphanage that night. It didn't look anything like what you saw in movies or read about in books. It was plain and big, with clean floors and railings that squeaked when you ran your hand over it. There were two separate floors of dorms, one for the boys and one for the girls. Each floor had about 20 rooms and each room housed about two people. Unfortunately, Sanya happened to arrive at a time when the place was rather crowded. Over half the rooms were occupied by three kids and of course Sanya was put in a room with two others: a thirteen year old and a sixteen year old. They weren't mean, but they weren't particularly nice either. Sanya rarely talked to them. As a matter of fact, she rarely talked to any of the others at the orphanage. The food portions were meager, but decent and the school had professional and kind teachers. It wasn't a bad life, though Sanya missed her parents, her apartment, her friends, and her school dearly. But it was not going to stay that way.
Over the course of the month that Sanya stayed at the orphanage, 4 more girls and 3 more boys were brought in. The rooms were more crowded, the portions were smaller, and the desks got closer together. It was too much for the orphanage to handle. They were forced to ship certain kids to their sister orphanage... in the Philippines. Being the oldest of the new arrivals, Sanya's name was first on the list. However, she didn't know about the move until noon on the day she was too be shipped out. They simply told her to pack her bags and meet them in the main hall. When she learned where she was going, Sanya was terrified. The Philippines was not only even more crime-ridden than San Salvador, they also didn't speak the same language as her.
When she arrived at the new orphanage, Sanya was even more terrified than before. It was everything you hear about in stories and more. It was old and dirty and crowded and the food tasted like cow manure. The girl's dorm was a single, large room with bunk beds in rows and columns leaving barely any room to walk between them. There were at least 10 times the amount of kids than at the orphanage in Salvador and they were all Filipino or some other type of Asian. Sanya's skin tone was the lightest, she was the tallest, she had the whitest teeth, the biggest eyes, and the silkiest hair. She didn't fit in. And everyone knew it. She was forced to pick up on the language fast, as the teachers didn't speak Spanish and barely spoke English. She always sat alone, and never played with the other kids. She was utterly alone. And she hated it.
The three years crept by, each day Sanya planning to run away, but being unable to find a way past the high walls with barbed wire meant to keep the kids in and strangers out. It was impossible. Sanya felt as if she were in jail. And she basically was. But finally, the day of her 18th birthday came, and Sanya was set free of the cursed orphanage. She was free. But there was no where for her to go. Where could she go? There was no answer, and so she headed for the main city, the capital that she hoped would remind her at least a little of San Salvador. She headed for Manila.
the gang
Having experienced loss, and being treated so kindly by the police, a gang is really the last place you would expect Sanya to end up, no? Well it was the last place she had expected to end up as well. But between her father's martial arts and self-defense lessons and the fighting she had had to go through in the orphanage, she was already a decent fighter. She could hold her own against just about anyone. Then there was someone she couldn't. He was a big man. Bulky and muscular. She threw a few good punches, got him right in the face one time, but he was good on defense and blocked her aims for more sensitive areas. Eventually, he was able to land a punch right in her stomach, and she doubled over in pain. He quickly took the opportunity and grabbed her wallet out of her pocket. There was only 800 pesos in it, but he took it anyway. Not wanting anything more than the money, he moved on. Sanya followed. If he were to target another person that was a decent fighter, maybe together they could take him on. The next target was another girl, who looked to be about the same age as Sanya. She defended, he blocked, they fought, she held her own. Of course, not as well as Sanya, but not badly either. However, it was over too soon and Sanya had missed her opportunity to join in. The man searched the girl, but found a mere 50 pesos. He took it and left. The girl left as well. But Sanya was impressed with her fighting technique and decided that they'd make a decent team.
A couple days later, Sanya saw the girl on the street, and followed her down a dreary looking alleyway. She approached the girl and they became fast friends (after a bit of violence: teaser 1). Her name was Vasya and she made bombs. The two stuck together from that day on, always having each others' backs. But about a month later, they ran into a large group of fierce opponents. They were the One Shots. After some discussion and an example of their skills, the girls were allowed to join the One Shots, it was either that or get beat up (teaser 2). Of course, if either had been truly opposed to the idea of joining the gang, they would've taken the beating, but each had lost their family in one way or another and they longed for the feeling of belonging that neither had had for a long time. So they accepted. And that's how Sanya and Vasya became members of The One Shots.
father: Araya, Amado | 46 at time of death | salesman and part-time instructor at a martial arts studio | He was a generally fun, chill, and laid-back guy. He left all the tough parenting to his wife and became the child in an adult's body. He loved to rough house and joke around, poking fun at everything and anything. He was almost always smiling and trying to make a joke, though most were incredibly cheesy and no one found them funny besides him. However, he also had a serious side that came out every now and then. He liked to keep up with the most recent news and what was going on in the world and he liked to share his knowledge with others. He was very smart, and therefore had a lot to share, and could talk for hours at a time never loosing his serious expression and educational tone. | They had a great relationship. They talked, had fun, went places, debated, laughed, and threw jokes back and forth constantly. They loved each other's company and Sanya missed him a lot when he went on trips for his work. Now she always misses him greatly and despite him raising her Atheist, every night Sanya prays that he (and her mom) are in a better place and that they forgive her for winding up where she has. | If she could, she would. | deceased
mother: Araya, Paulina | 45 at time of death | real estate agent | She was somewhat paranoid and a little overprotective, as is to be expected of most mothers. She loved her work and was good at relating to overs with her warm smile and her friendly way of talking. She was a kind woman, gentle and warm, though she had her worry-wart side that showed itself mainly when dealing with Sanya. | Like any mother-daughter relationship, the two got into their fair share of fights and arguments, but they always managed to find a way  out of it and to move on. They loved each other, though Sanya wasn't as open to admitting it as she was with her dad. She now regrets having been so difficult to deal with and for making her mother's life so difficult, and she prays that she'll forgive her. | If she could, she might. | deceased
sibling[s]: None
rival: Jun Hyosung | 24 | Secret | She's quiet, reserved, and poised. She has perfect balance, is incredibly flexible and can move over creaky boards without making a sound. She's dedicated to her work and is willing to put her life on the line to fulfill a mission. But she doesn't do it for the thrill. She does it because it's what she thinks is right. Yes, she has somewhat screwed up morals and codes, but she'll fight to the death in order to protect what she believes in. | The two don't have much of a relationship. Hyosung is the type of person that is never seen. Her sole job is to spy, and so she doesn't ever interact with other gangs as long as she does her job right. And she always does her job right. Sanya however, has sworn Hyosung to be her mortal enemy and uses her name as a curse whenever she can't think of a better one. | She's the leader of Secret and she was when there was the attack on The One Shots. She's the one that lead the attack that killed Sukki and Sanya will never forgive her for that. She's determined to pay Hyosung back ten fold and avenge Sukki's death.
love interest: Yongguk
Yongguk is a lot like an m&m. He has an outer shell that betrays nothing. He doesn't express his emotions openly, he acts all BA and he leads BAP with ease, skill, and experience. He's able to keep his cool in a tough situation and is very logical when it comes to fast decisions. However, this is only his appearance. It's a thin coating, meant to keep him from melting under the pressure of running a gang. On the inside, he's actually quite soft and sweet. He's a loyal friend and a passionate soul, if a bit cheesy. He's actually rather emotional and has strong morals that he follows in all situations. However, this side to him is not known by most. Most people simply accept him for his exterior and expect that this is the true Yongguk. Only his fellow gang members and certain people in his life that know him very well know that he's not exactly what his appearance suggests.
He can also be very serious, when he wants to be. His straight face betrays no thoughts or emotion and he has the magic ability to speak in a completely calm and even tone.
Being in rival gangs, they've never really been able to interact. The most interaction they've had was one time when Sanya kicked him in the stomach as the girls ran away from stealing some of their guns. But despite that, Sanya feels a strange connection to him. An attraction to that pretty-boy yet hardcore face. She can't exactly name it, but for some reason, she feels as if she knows him from somewhere. Everything about him seems familiar, but she can't quite understand why. For the most part, she simply tries to ignore it and focus on her duty, but whenever she sees him she looses her focus a bit, captivated by his strong arms, and his beautiful face. For some reason, she can tell just by looking at him that he's not all that he pretends to be. She sees right through his shell and instead sees the chocolate inside.
Yongguk feels very similarly about Sanya. He's captivated by her and wants to get to know her better, but he knows that that isn't possible in their current situations. Still, he can't help but let his soft side become a little exposed when it comes to her. One time during a mission, he was up on a roof and was ordered to shoot any intruders though not to kill. Sanya happened to come up at that time, and headed for the building. Yongguk had a perfect shot at her, he could hit her right in the leg or the shoulder and she'd be down though it wouldn't be a fatal wound, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger. And so, he let her go and later claimed to have not seen her go in.
love story
It was another mission. The One Shots were infiltrating a building to get the goods inside. The only catch, was that the building was on BAP's territory. Still, the goods were too important and they decided to take the risk. Sanya volunteered to take the guard outside, most likely the most dangerous out of all the jobs. But Sanya seemed to be the most fit to do it. So she did. She never let her guard down and it had only been a few minutes since her fellow members went in when a figure emerged from the shadows across the street. Sanya automatically lifted her gun, finger on the trigger. It was Yongguk, and he too had his gun pointed directly at her. They locked eyes. Each one's heart was racing. Sanya thought about the trigger, how easy it would be to take out a member of one of their rival gangs, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. So the two stood there for a good five minutes, not saying a word and neither lowering their weapon. It was a deadly stare-off. But Yongguk decided to end it. He put down his weapon and simply said "Shoot me if you're going to, but I can't shoot you." Not that he wouldn't, but that he couldn't. Sanya was a bit surprised, but lowered her weapon too. She knew we wasn't the type to pull a dirty trick like that and then surprise attack someone.
There was a moment of silence, before Sanya spoke up, and admitted to thinking he looked familiar and she asked if they'd met before the gang. Yongguk looked confused at first, and then said "You mean you don't remember me?" Sanya was taken aback. So he did know her... and she should know him. But she still couldn't put her finger on it. However, when he opened his mouth to explain, the rest of One Shot came rushing out of the building and Yongguk disappeared back into the shadows to avoid that confrontation.
A couple days later, Sanya gathered up her courage and crossed into BAP territory. She found Yongguk and waited in the shadows until he was alone. She then revealed herself and asked if he could finish his thought. He did and Sanya was shocked (it'll be a surprise for you subbies, though don't be too excited cause it's kinda y). After that, the two would occasionally venture into each other's territory and wait to catch the other alone so that they could have brief, but enjoyable conversations. Slowly but steadily, interest became fascination, fascination became attraction, and attraction became infatuation.
back-up love interest: N/A
personality: ---
relationship: ---
love story: ---
code name: Lakas (Fury/Strength in Filipino)
specialty: hand to hand combat
motto: "For Sukki.... and for Azlan!!!" lol jk on that last part...
gang member
If her parents were alive, she wouldn't be in the gang. She wouldn't even be in the Philippines. But they're not. So she is. And she doesn't regret it. At least, not most of the time. When she thinks about what her parents would say and if they're looking down at her and shaking their heads in disappointment, she becomes ashamed of being a co-leader of a major gang. But other than those times, she's pretty happy with it. It gives her a sense of family that she has been lacking for the past 3 and a half years. She doesn't think the gang is something to be ashamed of, though if she believed in the after-life she'd have no doubt that she was going to hell. But that didn't really matter. She had initially joined the gang for the fun of it, and for the hominess. But now she was fighting for a cause. And it was a cause that she believed in: revenge. So other than those times when she thinks about her parents, she enjoys the gang and is almost proud of how well known they've become.
almost family
Being a co-leader of the One Shots, Sanya has to have at least a little authority with them. Though Vasya is the main disciplinarian, Sanya also tends to be strict on them when the situation calls for it. Of course, in Sanya's opinion (which is very differenent from Vasya's) the situation almost never calls for it. She prefers to be informal and friendly with the girls. They are, after all, as close as family too her. Possibly even closer. She loves these girls with all her heart and would be willing to lay her life on the line to protect them. They mean everything to her, and having lost her friends from the previous generation, she couldn't bare to lose any of them. Also, she has serious problems keeping secrets from her fellow gang members. It's basically impossible to do. She feels like she's betraying their trust whenever she does, and therefore tells them just about everything. The only secret she keeps from them is about her meetings with Yongguk, and she has to struggle desperately to let that secret from slipping.
ending: undecided, depends on how the story goes
anthing else: Nada
comments/questions/concerns: You guys rock!!! Especially that incredible co-author, I mean she's like superwoman! lol
scene requests: Eh... I'll come up with my scenes later



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lmfao! "FOR AZLAN!"
Batrizy #2
Just the background itself is awesome,it was really well written.I never could write something that long and detailed.
Both of you guys rock.